Run file

When the student have submit his/her code, INGInious starts a new Docker container with the right environment for the task (as given in the task.yaml file). Inside this container is launched a script, that we call the run script, that you have to provide in the directory of your task.

Naming your run script


TL;DR: name your script if you use Python or if you use bash. You can put a run script inside the common folder of a course, and it will be used by default if no run file exists in a task.

The file chosen by INGInious as your run file is dependent on the environment. Here is how INGInious resolves the best file to run (the resolution ends a soon a one of the rule is respected):

  1. If a custom run command was provided, this command is run.

  2. If a file named `run` exists in the task folder, this file is run. Note that in this case the file will need a shebang (see below)

  3. Depending on the container environment, files named `run.EXT` in the task folder, where EXT is a container-specific extension, will be run.

    Container EXT Language
    all py3 IPython3
    all py IPython3
    all sh bash

    It is possible to add your own extensions/languages in new containers.

  4. If a file named `run` exists in the common course folder, this file is run. Note that in this case the file will need a shebang (see below)

  5. Depending on the container environment, files named `run.EXT` in the common course folder, where EXT is a container-specific extension, will be run. See table above.


If you simply name you run script `run`, don’t forget to indicate which interpreter should be used to execute the script. To do that, use a shebang:

feedback-result success

Here is a simple example of a file, compatible with the default environment, that simply returns that the student’s code is OK:


This is actually an IPython code.

In general, the run script is simply an executable application (a bash script, a python script, or a compiled executable runnable by the container). INGInious’ default containers provides commands (also available as python libraries) to interact with the backend.

By default, the script is run by a non-root user. You can modify the container to change this (and everything else).

Python run scripts are run with IPython

IPython is a Python interpreter that adds some very useful features to Python, notably magic commands.

The main feature that you will use is probably the bang (!) magic command, that allows your to run a command like if you were in bash (or any “basic” shell):

# run a command
! touch hello.txt

# you can store the output, as an array of line
out = !ls -1

# we are still in python
length = len(out)
print(length, ";".join(out))

By default, the INGInious version of IPython loads utility libraries of INGInious (feedback, input, lang, rst) into the global namespace, so you don’t have to.

If you want to use the INGInious IPython interpreter in another script, the interpreter is located at /bin/inginious-ipython.

Check the API documentation

The prefered way to create run script is via the IPython interpreter. The full description of the API available from Python is available here.

Feedback commands


The feedback-result command sets the submission result of a task, or a problem.

# set the global result
set_global_result("success")  # Set global result to success

# set the result of a specific suproblem
set_problem_result("failed", "q1")  # Set 'q1' subproblem result to failed
from inginious_container_api import feedback

# set the global result
feedback.set_global_result("success")  # Set global result to success

# set the result of a specific suproblem
feedback.set_problem_result("failed", "q1")  # Set 'q1' subproblem result to failed
# format: feedback-result [-i|--id PROBLEM_ID] RESULT
feedback-result success  # Set global result to success
feedback-result -i q1 failed  # Set 'q1' subproblem result to failed

The execution result can be of different types:

  • success : the student succeeded the task
  • failed : there are error in the student answer
  • timeout : the tests timed out
  • overflow :there was a memory/disk overflow
  • crash : the tests crashed

Any other type will be modified to “crash”.


The feedback-grade command sets the submission grade.

set_grade(87.8) # Set the grade to 87.8%
from inginious_container_api import feedback
feedback.set_grade(87.8) # Set the grade to 87.8%
# format: feedback-grade GRADE
feedback-grade 87.8

If no grade is specified (i.e. the command is never called), the result score will be binary. This means that a failed submission will give a 0.0% score to the student, while a successful submission will give a 100.0% score to the student.


The feedback-msg-tpl sets the feedback message associated to the task or a subproblem, using a Jinja2 <> template.

It needs the name of a template. The command attempt to use a translated version of the template first; given that you give TPLNAME as first argument to the command, feedback-msg-tpl will attempt to find the template, by search in this order:

  • [local_dir]/TPLNAME.XX_XX.tpl
  • [task_dir]/lang/XX_XX/TPLNAME.tpl (preferred way)
  • [local_dir]/TPLNAME.tpl

Once found, the template is parsed using Jinja2 <>, which allows you to send parameters to the template.

# format:
# set_feedback_from_tpl(template_name, template_options, problem_id=None, append=False)
# template_name is the file to format. See above for details.
# template_options is a dict in the form {name: value}. See below
# problem_id is the problem id to which the feedback must be assigned. If None, the feedback is global
# append is a boolean indicating if the feedback must be appended or not (overwritting the current feedback)

set_feedback_from_tpl("feedback.tpl", {"option1":"value1", "anothername":"anothervalue"})
from inginious_container_api import feedback

# format:
# feedback.set_feedback_from_tpl(template_name, template_options, problem_id=None, append=False)
# template_name is the file to format. See above for details.
# template_options is a dict in the form {name: value}. See below
# problem_id is the problem id to which the feedback must be assigned. If None, the feedback is global
# append is a boolean indicating if the feedback must be appended or not (overwritting the current feedback)

feedback.set_feedback_from_tpl("feedback.tpl", {"option1":"value1", "anothername":"anothervalue"})
# format: feedback-msg-tpl [-a | --append] [-i | --id PROBLEM_ID] TPLNAME [option1=value1 option2=value2 ...]
# TPLNAME is the file to format. See above for details.
# Options can be indicated at the end of the command, and will be passed to the template (see below)
# --append is a boolean flag indicating if the feedback must be appended or not (overwritting the current feedback)
# --id PROBLEM_ID. PROBLEM_ID is the problem id to which the feedback must be assigned.
#                  If not indicated, the feedback is global

feedback-msg-tpl "feedback.tpl" option1=value1 anothername=anothervalue

Inside your template (named feedback.tpl in the examples above), you can use these parameters like this:

Option 1 was {{ option1 }} and the option 2 was {{ anothername }}

Which will return

Option 1 was value1 and the option 2 was anothervalue

See the Jinja2 documentation to discover all possibilities.

Your template must return a valid RestructuredText.


The feedback-msg command sets the feedback message associated to the task or a subproblem.

# format:
# set_global_feedback(feedback, append=False)
# append is a boolean indicating if the feedback must be appended or not (overwritting the current feedback)

    """This is the correct answer.

    Well done!"""

# format:
# set_problem_feedback(feedback, problem_id, append=False)
# problem_id is the problem id to which this feedback must be associated
# append is a boolean indicating if the feedback must be appended or not (overwritting the current feedback)

    """This is the correct answer.

    Well done!"""
, "q1")
from inginious_container_api import feedback

# format:
# set_global_feedback(feedback, append=False)
# append is a boolean indicating if the feedback must be appended or not (overwritting the current feedback)

    """This is the correct answer.

    Well done!"""

# format:
# set_problem_feedback(feedback, problem_id, append=False)
# problem_id is the problem id to which this feedback must be associated
# append is a boolean indicating if the feedback must be appended or not (overwritting the current feedback)

    """This is the correct answer.

    Well done!"""
, "q1")
feedback-msg -ae -m "This is the correct answer.\n\nWell done!"

# It has several
# optional parameters:
# -a, --append                        append to current feedback, if not specified, replace the
#                                     current feedback.
# -i, --id PROBLEM_ID                 problem id to which associate the feedback, leave empty
#                                     for the whole task.
# -e, --escape                        interprets backslash escapes
# -m, --message MESSAGE               feedback message
# If the message is not specified, the feedback message is read from stdin.


The feedback-custom command sets a pair of key/value custom feedback, mainly used with plugins.

# format: set_custom_value(key, value)
# Please refer to the plugin documentation to know which value you have to set for ``key`` and ``value`` parameters.
# value can be anything that can be encoded to JSON by the default python library.
set_custom_value("score", 56) # Set the `score` key to value 56
# format: set_custom_value(key, value)
# Please refer to the plugin documentation to know which value you have to set for ``key`` and ``value`` parameters.
# value can be anything that can be encoded to JSON by the default python library.
feedback.set_custom_value("score", 56) # Set the `score` key to value 56
# format: feedback-custom [-j|--json] key value

# The ``--json`` parameter indicates if ``value`` must be parsed as a JSON string.
# Please refer to the plugin documentation to know which value you have to set for ``key`` and ``value`` parameters.

# For instance, the following command set the value ``56`` to the ``score`` key:
feedback-custom score 56


The tag-set command sets the value of the tag specified by the tag identifier to True or False.

# format: set_tag(tag, value):
# Set the tag 'tag' to the value True or False.
# :param value: should be a boolean
# :param tag: should be the id of the tag. Can not starts with '*auto-tag-'

# For instance, the following command set the value of the ``my_tag`` tag to ``True``:
set_tag("my_tag", True)
from inginious_container_api import feedback

# format: set_tag(tag, value):
# Set the tag 'tag' to the value True or False.
# :param value: should be a boolean
# :param tag: should be the id of the tag. Can not starts with '*auto-tag-'

# For instance, the following command set the value of the ``my_tag`` tag to ``True``:
feedback.set_tag("my_tag", True)
# format: tag-set tag value

# For instance, the following command set the value of the ``my_tag`` tag to ``True``:
tag-set my_tag true


The tag command defines a new unexpected tag to appear in the submission feedback.

# format: set_tag(tag, value):
# Set the tag 'tag' to the value True or False.
# :param value: should be a boolean
# :param tag: should be the id of the tag. Can not starts with '*auto-tag-'

# # For instance, the following command defines a new ``A new tag`` tag that will appear in the submission feedback:
tag("A new tag") # Sets a new unexpected tag
from inginious_container_api import feedback

# format: set_tag(tag, value):
# Set the tag 'tag' to the value True or False.
# :param value: should be a boolean
# :param tag: should be the id of the tag. Can not starts with '*auto-tag-'

# # For instance, the following command defines a new ``A new tag`` tag that will appear in the submission feedback:
feedback.tag("A new tag") # Sets a new unexpected tag
# format: tag value

# For instance, the following command defines a new ``A new tag`` tag that will appear in the submission feedback:
tag "A new tag"

reStructuredText helper commands

Several helper commands are available to format the feedback text, which format is reStructuredText.


The rst-code command generates a code-block with the specified code snippet and language to enable syntax highlighting.

codeblock = get_codeblock("java", "int a = 42;") # Java codeblock with `int a = 42;` code

set_global_feedback(codeblock, True) # Appends the codeblock to the global feedback
from inginious_container_api import rst, feedback

codeblock = rst.get_codeblock("java", "int a = 42;") # Java codeblock with `int a = 42;` code

feedback.set_global_feedback(codeblock, True) # Appends the codeblock to the global feedback
# format: rst-code [-l | --language LANGUAGE] [-e | --escape] [-c | --code CODE]

# -l, --language LANGUAGE    snippet language, leave empty to disable syntax highlighting
# -e, --escape               interprets backslash escapes
# -c, --code CODE            snippet code

# If the code parameter is not specified, it is read on standard input. The result is written on standard output.
# For instance, the command can be used as follows:
cat | rst-code -l java | feedback-msg -a


The rst-image command generates a raw reStructuredText block containing an image to display.

# get_imageblock(filename, format='')
imgblock = get_imageblock("smiley.png") # RST block with image
set_global_feedback(imgblock, True) # Appends the image block to the global feedback
from inginious_container_api import rst, feedback

# get_imageblock(filename, format='')
imgblock = rst.get_imageblock("smiley.png") # RST block with image
feedback.set_global_feedback(imgblock, True) # Appends the image block to the global feedback
# format: rst-image [-f|--format FORMAT] FILEPATH

# Appends the image block to the global feedback
rst-image smiley.png | feedback-msg -a

The optional format parameter is used to specify the image format (jpg, png,…) if this is not explicitly specified the the image filename. The output is written on the standard output. For instance, the command can be used as follows:

get_admonition / rst-msgblock

The get_admonition (python) / rst-msgblock (bash) command is used to generate a reStructuredText admonition in a specific colour according to the message type.

You must indicate a type for the admonition (via the first arg in Python, or via the -c arg in bash). The type can be:

  • success (green box)
  • info (blue box)
  • warning (orange box)
  • danger (red box)

You can also indicate a title (second parameter in Python, -t in bash). It can be empty.

# RST message block of class "success" and title "Yeah!"
admonition = get_admonition("success", "Yeah!", "Well done!")
set_global_feedback(admonition, True) # Appends the block to the global feedback
from inginious_container_api import rst, feedback

# RST message block of class "success" and title "Yeah!"
admonition = rst.get_admonition("success", "Yeah!", "Well done!")
feedback.set_global_feedback(admonition, True) # Appends the block to the global feedback
# format: rst-image [-c | --class CSS_CLASS] [-e | --escape] [-t | --title TITLE] [-m | --message MESSAGE]
# -c, --class CSS_CLASS    Type (Bootstrap alert CSS class). See above for details.
# -e, --escape             interprets backslash escapes
# -t, --title TITLE        message title
# -m, --message MESSAGE    message text
# If the message parameter is not set, the message is read from standard input.

rst-msgblock -c info -m "This is a note" | feedback -ae


The rst-indent command is used to add indentation to a given text.

rawhtml = indent_block(1, "<p>A paragraph!</p>", "\t") # Indent the HTML code with 1 unit of tabulations
set_global_feedback(".. raw::\n\n" + rawhtml, True) # Appends the block to the global feedback
from inginious_container_api import rst, feedback

rawhtml = rst.indent_block(1, "<p>A paragraph!</p>", "\t") # Indent the HTML code with 1 unit of tabulations
feedback.set_global_feedback(".. raw::\n\n" + rawhtml, True) # Appends the block to the global feedback
# format: rst-image [-c | --class CSS_CLASS] [-e | --escape] [-t | --title TITLE] [-m | --message MESSAGE]
# -e, --escape                      interprets backslash escapes
# -c, --indent-char INDENT_CHAR     indentation char, default = tabulation
# -a, --amount AMOUNT               amount of indentation, default = 1
# -m, --message MESSAGE             message text

# If the message parameter is not set, the message is read from standard input.

# For instance, the command can be used as follows, to add an image to the feedback,
# (inside a list item, for instance):
rst-msgblock -c info -m "This is a note" | feedback -ae

The amount of indentation can be negative to de-indent the text.

Input commands


The get_input command/function returns the input given by the student for a specific problem id. For example, for the problem id “pid”:

thecode = get_input("pid")
from inginious_container_api import input
thecode = input.get_input("pid")
getinput pid

When a problem is defined with several boxes, the argument becomes pid/bid where “pid” stands for the problem id and “bid” for “box id”. If the problem is a file upload, the problem id can be appended with :filename or :value to retrieve its filename or value.

Note that get_input can also retrieve the username/group of the user that submitted the task. You simply have to run

username = get_input("@username")
username = input.get_input("@username")
getinput @username

If the submission is made as a user, it will contain the username. It it’s made as a group, it will contain the list of the user’s usernames in the group, joined with ‘,’.

The four letter code of the student’s language (for example en_US or fr_FR) can also be retrieved using

lang = get_input("@lang")
lang = input.get_input("@lang")
getinput @lang

Note that plugins are free to add new @-prefixed fields to the available input using the new_submission hook.


The parsetemplate command injects the input given by the student in a template.

A template file must be given to the function/command. An output file can also be given, and if none is given, the template will be replaced.

thecode = parse_template("student.c") # Parse the `student.c` template file
thecode = parse_template("template.c", "student.c") # Parse the `template.c` template file and save the parsed file into `student.c`
from inginious_container_api import input
thecode = input.parse_template("student.c") # Parse the `student.c` template file
thecode = input.parse_template("template.c", "student.c") # Parse the `template.c` template file and save the parsed file into `student.c`
# parsetemplate [-o|--output outputfile] template
parsetemplate "student.c" # Parse the `student.c` template file
parsetemplate -o "student.c" "template.c" # Parse the `template.c` template file and save the parsed file into `student.c`

The markup in the templates is very simple: @prefix@problemid@suffix@. Prefix allows to correct the indentation when needed (this is useful in Python).

Example of template file (in java)

public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
@        @problem_one@@

To access the filename and text content of a submitted file, the problemid can be followed by a :filename or :value suffix.


run_student allows the run file to start, at will, sub-containers. This makes you able to secure the grading, making sure the untrusted code made by the student don’t interact with yours.

The sub-container is launched with a different user who has read-write accesses to the task student subdirectory. Only the changes made in that directory will remain in the main container.

run_student is fully configurable; you can change the container image (environment), set new timeouts, new memory limits, … And you can call it as many time as you want.

Here is the list of the main parameters:

  • container (–container in the run_student command)
    Name of the container to use. The default is the same as the current container.
  • time limit (–time)
    Timeout (in CPU time) for the container, in seconds. The default is the same as the current container.
  • hard time limit (–hard-time)
    Hard timeout for the container (in real time), in seconds. The default is three times the value indicated for the time limit.
  • memory limit (–memory)
    Maximum memory for the container, in Megabytes. The default is the same as the current container.
  • network sharing (–share-network)
    Share the network stack of the grading container with the student container. This is not the case by default. If the container container has network access, this will also be the case for the student!

Beyond these optionals args, run_student various commands also takes an additional (mandatory) argument: the command to be run in the new container.

More technically, please note that:

  • the run_student command (accesible in bash) proxies stdin, stdout, stderr, most signals and the return value
  • There are special return values:
    • 252 means that the command was killed due to an out-of-memory
    • 253 means that the command timed out
    • 254 means that an error occurred while running the proxy

In Python, two flavours of run_student are available: run and run_simple. The first is a low-level function, which allows you to modify most of the behavior of the behavior of the function. The second aims to solve the most used use case: run a command with a given input, and returns its output. A small description of run_simple is available in the examples below, please check the API directly for more information.

# runs student/ in another safe container, with a timeout of 60 seconds,
# and stores the output in the variables `stdout` and `stderr`, and the return value
# inside the variable `retval`.
stdout, stderr, retval = run_student_simple("student/", time=60)
from inginious_container_api import run_student

# runs student/ in another safe container, with a timeout of 60 seconds,
# and stores the output in the variables `stdout` and `stderr`, and the return value
# inside the variable `retval`.
stdout, stderr, retval = run_student.run_student_simple("student/", time=60)
# runs student/ in another safe container, with a timeout of 60 seconds,
# and stores the output in the variable `output`, as an array of lines.
output=`run_student --time 60 student/`

Archiving files

The folder /archive inside the container allows you to store anything you may need outside the container. The content of the folder will be automatically compressed and saved in the database, and will be downloadable in the INGInious web interface.

This feature is useful for debug purposes, but also for analytics and for more complex plugins.