Using through LTI (edX, Moodle, …)

INGInious implements the LTI specification in order to integrate into edX, Moodle, or any other LMS that also implements this specification. To get started, all you need is to activate te LTI mode in the course administration and define your LTI keys (consumer key and secret). You’ll then be able to use INGInious tasks as activities in your LMS.

Defining LTI keys

The LTI keys are defined in the course administration by first activating the LTI mode. Then, add consumer keys and secrets separated by a colon in the LTI keys field. For instance, here’s an example of a set of keys and secrets:


This obviously defines two LTI keys, consumer_key_1 and consumer_key_2, with passwords a_very_secret_password and wow_such_secret. You also need to check the Send grades back option to actually send the scores from INGInious to your LTI.

Setting up your LMS

Setting up (Open) edX

edX provides a good tutorial on how to install LTI components.

When it asks for the LTI passport, you have to enter it in the format an_id_that_you_define:consumer_key:password. A good example, taking values from the start of this document, would be


The launch url is, if your server is located at https://HOST:PORT/, and you want to load the task task_id from the course course_id:


Please note that, for now, official edX needs https. You also need to set the LTI activity to accept a score back from INGInious if your have set up INGInious such that scores are sent back.

Setting up Moodle

Under edition mode, select add an activity, choose external tool, and confirm.

Directly click on Show more.... Fill in the activity name.

The Launch URL is, if your server is located at https://HOST:PORT/, and you want to load the task task_id from the course course_id:


For the field Launch Container, the best value is “Embded without block”. Consumer key and Consumer secret are the LTI key you defined earlier. In the Privacy fieldset, check that accept grades from the tool is checked. Leave the other fields blank (or modify them as you want).

Save, and it should work.

Setting up other LMS

INGInious has only been tested with edX and Moodle, but it should work out-of-the-box with any LMS that respects LTI 1.1. You are on your own for the configuration, though; but with the LTI keys and the launch URL, it should be enough to configure anything.