The inginious_container_api package (commands inside containers)

This package contains all methods accessible from inside the containers.

In the default shell of the `run` scripts, all these function are included in the global namespace.

Gathering the student’s input


” Returns the specified problem answer in the form problem: problem id Returns string, or bytes if a file is loaded


Returns the language of the current user (as a two-character ISO-639-1 code) being graded


Returns the username of the current user being graded

inginious_container_api.input.parse_template(input_filename, output_filename='')[source]

Parses a template file Replaces all occurences of @@problem_id@@ by the value of the ‘problem_id’ key in data dictionary

input_filename: file to parse output_filename: if not specified, overwrite input file


Returns the dictionary containing the feedback[source]

Save feedback file, custom_val)[source]

Set a custom value to be given back in the feedback :param custom_name: name/key of the entry to be placed in the custom dict :param custom_val: content of the entry to be placed in the custom dict, parameters, problem_id=None, append=False)[source]

Parse a template, using the given parameters, and set it as the feedback message.

tpl_name must indicate a file. Given that XX_XX is the lang code of the current user (‘en_US’ or ‘fr_FR’, for example), this function will search template file in different locations, in the following order: - [current_dir]/tpl_name.XX_XX.tpl - [task_dir]/lang/XX_XX/tpl_name.tpl (this is the preferred way, as it contributes to store all translations in the same folder) - [current_dir]/tpl_name.tpl

Note that you can indicate “../otherdir/mytpl” to force the function to search in the “../otherdir” directory. Simply omit the final “.tpl”.

If no file is found or a parsing exception occured, an error is displayed as feedback message, and False is returned. If everything went well, True is returned.

The parsing uses Jinja2.

Parameters is a dictionnary that will be given to the Jinja template., append=False)[source]

Set global feedback in case of error[source]

Set global result value[source]

Set global grade of this job, problem_id, append=False)[source]

Set problem specific feedback, problem_id)[source]

Set problem specific result value[source]

Set the task state, value)[source]

Set the tag ‘tag’ to the value True or False. :param value: should be a boolean :param tag: should be the id of the tag. Can not starts with ‘*auto-tag-’[source]

Add a tag with generated id. :param value: everything working with the str() function

Running subcontainers

inginious_container_api.run_student.run_student(cmd, container=None, time_limit=0, hard_time_limit=0, memory_limit=0, share_network=False, working_dir=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, signal_handler_callback=None)[source]

Run a command inside a student container :param cmd: command to be ran (as a string, with parameters) :param container: container to use. Must be present in the current agent. By default it is None, meaning the current

container type will be used.
  • time_limit – time limit in seconds. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the “host” container timeout!)
  • hard_time_limit – hard time limit. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does count in the “host” container hard timeout!)
  • memory_limit – memory limit in megabytes. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the “host” container memory limit!)
  • share_network – share the network with the host container if True. Default is False.
  • working_dir – The working directory for the distant command. By default, it is os.getcwd().
  • stdin – File descriptor for stdin. Can be None, in which case a file descriptor is open to /dev/null.
  • stdout – File descriptor for stdout. Can be None, in which case a file descriptor is open to /dev/null.
  • stderr – File descriptor for stderr. Can be None, in which case a file descriptor is open to /dev/null.
  • signal_handler_callback – If not None, run will call this callback with a function as single argument. this function can itself be called with a signal value that will immediately be sent to the remote process. See the run_student script command for an example, or the hack_signals function below.

the return value of the calling process. There are special values: - 252 means that the command was killed due to an out-of-memory - 253 means that the command timed out - 254 means that an error occurred while running the proxy

inginious_container_api.run_student.run_student_simple(cmd, cmd_input=None, container=None, time_limit=0, hard_time_limit=0, memory_limit=0, share_network=False, working_dir=None, stdout_err_fuse=False, text='utf-8')[source]

A simpler version of run, which takes an input string and return the output of the command. This disallows interactive processes.

  • cmd – cmd to be run.
  • cmd_input – input of the command. Can be a string or a bytes object, or None.
  • container – container to use. Must be present in the current agent. By default it is None, meaning the current container type will be used.
  • time_limit – time limit in seconds. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the “host” container timeout!)
  • hard_time_limit – hard time limit. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does count in the “host” container hard timeout!)
  • memory_limit – memory limit in megabytes. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the “host” container memory limit!)
  • share_network – share the network with the host container if True. Default is False.
  • working_dir – The working directory for the distant command. By default, it is os.getcwd().
  • stdout_err_fuse – Weither to fuse stdout and stderr (i.e. make them use the same file descriptor)
  • text – By default, run_simple assumes that stdout/stderr will be encoded in UTF-8. Putting another encoding will make the streams encoded using this encoding. text=False indicates that the streams should be opened in binary mode. In this case, run_simple returns streams in the form of binary, unencoded, strings.

The output of the command, as a tuple of objects (stdout, stderr, retval). If stdout_err_fuse is True, the output is in the form (stdout, retval) is returned. The type of the returned strings (stdout, stderr) is dependent of the text arg.

RST helpers

inginious_container_api.rst.get_admonition(cssclass, title, text)[source]

Generates rst admonition block given a bootstrap alert css class, title, and text

inginious_container_api.rst.get_codeblock(language, text)[source]

Generates rst codeblock for given text and language

inginious_container_api.rst.get_imageblock(filename, format='')[source]

Generates rst raw block for given image filename and format

inginious_container_api.rst.indent_block(amount, text, indent_char='\t')[source]

Indent (or de-indent) text

Language management


Install gettext with the default parameters