Source code for inginious_container_api.run_student

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.
import array
import os
import signal
import socket
import tempfile

import msgpack
import zmq

[docs]def run_student(cmd, container=None, time_limit=0, hard_time_limit=0, memory_limit=0, share_network=False, working_dir=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, signal_handler_callback=None): """ Run a command inside a student container :param cmd: command to be ran (as a string, with parameters) :param container: container to use. Must be present in the current agent. By default it is None, meaning the current container type will be used. :param time_limit: time limit in seconds. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the "host" container timeout!) :param hard_time_limit: hard time limit. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it *does* count in the "host" container *hard* timeout!) :param memory_limit: memory limit in megabytes. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the "host" container memory limit!) :param share_network: share the network with the host container if True. Default is False. :param working_dir: The working directory for the distant command. By default, it is os.getcwd(). :param stdin: File descriptor for stdin. Can be None, in which case a file descriptor is open to /dev/null. :param stdout: File descriptor for stdout. Can be None, in which case a file descriptor is open to /dev/null. :param stderr: File descriptor for stderr. Can be None, in which case a file descriptor is open to /dev/null. :param signal_handler_callback: If not None, `run` will call this callback with a function as single argument. this function can itself be called with a signal value that will immediately be sent to the remote process. See the run_student script command for an example, or the hack_signals function below. :return: the return value of the calling process. There are special values: - 252 means that the command was killed due to an out-of-memory - 253 means that the command timed out - 254 means that an error occurred while running the proxy """ if working_dir is None: working_dir = os.getcwd() if stdin is None: stdin = open(os.devnull, 'rb').fileno() if stdout is None: stdout = open(os.devnull, 'rb').fileno() if stderr is None: stderr = open(os.devnull, 'rb').fileno() try: # creates a placeholder for the socket DIR = "/sockets/" _, path = tempfile.mkstemp('', 'p', DIR) # Gets the socket id socket_id = os.path.split(path)[-1] socket_path = os.path.join(DIR, socket_id + ".sock") # Start the socket server = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) try: os.unlink(socket_path) except OSError: if os.path.exists(socket_path): raise server.bind(socket_path) server.listen(0) # Kindly ask the agent to start a new container linked to our socket context = zmq.Context() zmq_socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) zmq_socket.connect("ipc:///sockets/main.sock") zmq_socket.send(msgpack.dumps({"type": "run_student", "environment": container, "time_limit": time_limit, "hard_time_limit": hard_time_limit, "memory_limit": memory_limit, "share_network": share_network, "socket_id": socket_id}, use_bin_type=True)) # Check if the container was correctly started message = msgpack.loads(zmq_socket.recv(), use_list=False) assert message["type"] == "run_student_started" # Send a dummy message to ask for retval zmq_socket.send(msgpack.dumps({"type": "run_student_ask_retval", "socket_id": socket_id}, use_bin_type=True)) # Serve one and only one connection connection, addr = server.accept() # _run_student_intern should say hello datagram = connection.recv(1) assert datagram == b'H' # send the fds and the command/workdir connection.sendmsg([b'S'], [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SCM_RIGHTS, array.array("i", [stdin, stdout, stderr]))]) connection.send(msgpack.dumps({"command": cmd, "working_dir": working_dir})) # Allow to send signals if signal_handler_callback is not None: def receive_signal(signum_s): signum_data = str(signum_s).zfill(3).encode("utf8") connection.send(signum_data) signal_handler_callback(receive_signal) # Wait for everything to end message = msgpack.loads(zmq_socket.recv(), use_list=False) # Unlink unneeded files try: os.unlink(socket_path) os.unlink(path) except: pass return message["retval"] except: return 254
[docs]def run_student_simple(cmd, cmd_input=None, container=None, time_limit=0, hard_time_limit=0, memory_limit=0, share_network=False, working_dir=None, stdout_err_fuse=False, text="utf-8"): """ A simpler version of `run`, which takes an input string and return the output of the command. This disallows interactive processes. :param cmd: cmd to be run. :param cmd_input: input of the command. Can be a string or a bytes object, or None. :param container: container to use. Must be present in the current agent. By default it is None, meaning the current container type will be used. :param time_limit: time limit in seconds. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the "host" container timeout!) :param hard_time_limit: hard time limit. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it *does* count in the "host" container *hard* timeout!) :param memory_limit: memory limit in megabytes. By default it is 0, which means that it will be the same as the current container (NB: it does not count in the "host" container memory limit!) :param share_network: share the network with the host container if True. Default is False. :param working_dir: The working directory for the distant command. By default, it is os.getcwd(). :param stdout_err_fuse: Weither to fuse stdout and stderr (i.e. make them use the same file descriptor) :param text: By default, run_simple assumes that stdout/stderr will be encoded in UTF-8. Putting another encoding will make the streams encoded using this encoding. text=False indicates that the streams should be opened in binary mode. In this case, run_simple returns streams in the form of binary, unencoded, strings. :return: The output of the command, as a tuple of objects (stdout, stderr, retval). If stdout_err_fuse is True, the output is in the form (stdout, retval) is returned. The type of the returned strings (stdout, stderr) is dependent of the `text` arg. """ stdin = None if cmd_input is not None: r, w = os.pipe() fdo = os.fdopen(w, 'w') fdo.write(cmd_input) fdo.close() stdin = r stdout_r, stdout_w = os.pipe() if stdout_err_fuse: stderr_r, stderr_w = stdout_r, stdout_w else: stderr_r, stderr_w = os.pipe() retval = run_student(cmd, container, time_limit, hard_time_limit, memory_limit, share_network, working_dir, stdin, stdout_w, stderr_w) preprocess_out = (lambda x: x.decode(text)) if text is not False else (lambda x: x) os.fdopen(stdout_w, 'w').close() stdout = preprocess_out(os.fdopen(stdout_r, 'rb').read()) if not stdout_err_fuse: os.fdopen(stderr_w, 'w').close() stderr = preprocess_out(os.fdopen(stderr_r, 'rb').read()) return stdout, stderr, retval else: return stdout, retval
def _hack_signals(receive_signal): """ Catch every signal, and send it to the remote process """ uncatchable = ['SIG_DFL', 'SIGSTOP', 'SIGKILL'] for i in [x for x in dir(signal) if x.startswith("SIG")]: if i not in uncatchable: try: signum = getattr(signal, i) signal.signal(signum, lambda x, _: receive_signal) except: pass