Source code for inginious.frontend.tasks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" Classes modifying basic tasks, problems and boxes classes """

import gettext

from inginious.frontend.parsable_text import ParsableText
from inginious.common.base import id_checker
from inginious.common.tasks import Task
from inginious.frontend.accessible_time import AccessibleTime
from inginious.common.tags import Tag

[docs]class WebAppTask(Task): """ A task that stores additional context information, specific to the web app """ def __init__(self, course, taskid, content, task_fs, translations_fs, hook_manager, task_problem_types): # We load the descriptor of the task here to allow plugins to modify settings of the task before it is read by the Task constructor if not id_checker(taskid): raise Exception("Task with invalid id: " + course.get_id() + "/" + taskid) super(WebAppTask, self).__init__(course, taskid, content, task_fs, translations_fs, hook_manager, task_problem_types) self._name = self._data.get('name', 'Task {}'.format(self.get_id())) self._context = self._data.get('context', "") # Authors if isinstance(self._data.get('author'), str): # verify if author is a string self._author = self._data['author'] else: self._author = "" # Submission storage self._stored_submissions = int(self._data.get("stored_submissions", 0)) # Default download self._evaluate = self._data.get("evaluate", "best") # Grade weight self._weight = float(self._data.get("weight", 1.0)) # _accessible self._accessible = AccessibleTime(self._data.get("accessible", None)) # Group task self._groups = bool(self._data.get("groups", False)) # Submission limits self._submission_limit = self._data.get("submission_limit", {"amount": -1, "period": -1}) # Input random self._input_random = int(self._data.get("input_random", 0)) # Regenerate input random self._regenerate_input_random = bool(self._data.get("regenerate_input_random", False)) # Category tags self._categories = self._data.get("categories", [])
[docs] def get_grading_weight(self): """ Get the relative weight of this task in the grading """ return self._weight
[docs] def get_accessible_time(self, plugin_override=True): """ Get the accessible time of this task """ vals = self._hook_manager.call_hook('task_accessibility', course=self.get_course(), task=self, default=self._accessible) return vals[0] if len(vals) and plugin_override else self._accessible
[docs] def is_visible_by_students(self): """ Returns true if the task is accessible by all students that are not administrator of the course """ return self.get_course().is_open_to_non_staff() and self.get_accessible_time().after_start()
[docs] def get_deadline(self): """ Returns a string containing the deadline for this task """ if self.get_accessible_time().is_always_accessible(): return _("No deadline") elif self.get_accessible_time().is_never_accessible(): return _("It's too late") else: # Prefer to show the soft deadline rather than the hard one return self.get_accessible_time().get_soft_end_date().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
[docs] def is_group_task(self): """ Indicates if the task submission mode is per groups """ return self._groups
[docs] def get_submission_limit(self): """ Returns the submission limits et for the task""" return self._submission_limit
[docs] def get_name(self, language): """ Returns the name of this task """ return self.gettext(language, self._name) if self._name else ""
[docs] def get_context(self, language): """ Get the context(description) of this task """ context = self.gettext(language, self._context) if self._context else "" vals = self._hook_manager.call_hook('task_context', course=self.get_course(), task=self, default=context) return ParsableText(vals[0], "rst", translation=self.get_translation_obj(language)) if len(vals) \ else ParsableText(context, "rst", translation=self.get_translation_obj(language))
[docs] def get_authors(self, language): """ Return the list of this task's authors """ return self.gettext(language, self._author) if self._author else ""
[docs] def adapt_input_for_backend(self, input_data): """ Adapt the input from for the inginious.backend """ for problem in self._problems: input_data = problem.adapt_input_for_backend(input_data) return input_data
[docs] def get_stored_submissions(self): """ Indicates if only the last submission must be stored for the task """ return self._stored_submissions
[docs] def get_evaluate(self): """ Indicates the default download for the task """ return self._evaluate
[docs] def get_categories(self): """ Returns the tags id associated to the task """ return [category for category in self._categories if category in self._course.get_tags()]
[docs] def get_number_input_random(self): """ Return the number of random inputs """ return self._input_random
[docs] def regenerate_input_random(self): """ Indicates if random inputs should be regenerated """ return self._regenerate_input_random