Source code for inginious.frontend.pages.api.tasks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" Tasks """

from inginious.frontend.pages.api._api_page import APIAuthenticatedPage, APINotFound, APIForbidden
from inginious.frontend.parsable_text import ParsableText

[docs]class APITasks(APIAuthenticatedPage): r""" Endpoint /api/v0/courses/[a-zA-Z_\-\.0-9]+/tasks(/[a-zA-Z_\-\.0-9]+)? """ def _check_for_parsable_text(self, val): """ Util to remove parsable text from a dict, recursively """ if isinstance(val, ParsableText): return val.original_content() if isinstance(val, list): for key, val2 in enumerate(val): val[key] = self._check_for_parsable_text(val2) return val if isinstance(val, dict): for key, val2 in val.items(): val[key] = self._check_for_parsable_text(val2) return val
[docs] def API_GET(self, courseid, taskid=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ List tasks available to the connected client. Returns a dict in the form :: { "taskid1": { "name": "Name of the course", #the name of the course "authors": [], "deadline": "", "status": "success" # can be "succeeded", "failed" or "notattempted" "grade": 0.0, "grade_weight": 0.0, "context": "" # context of the task, in RST "problems": # dict of the subproblems { # see the format of task.yaml for the content of the dict. Contains everything but # responses of multiple-choice and match problems. } } #... } If you use the endpoint /api/v0/courses/the_course_id/tasks/the_task_id, this dict will contain one entry or the page will return 404 Not Found. """ try: course = self.course_factory.get_course(courseid) except: raise APINotFound("Course not found") if not self.user_manager.course_is_open_to_user(course, lti=False): raise APIForbidden("You are not registered to this course") if taskid is None: tasks = course.get_tasks() else: try: tasks = {taskid: course.get_task(taskid)} except: raise APINotFound("Task not found") output = [] for taskid, task in tasks.items(): task_cache = self.user_manager.get_task_cache(self.user_manager.session_username(), task.get_course_id(), task.get_id()) data = { "id": taskid, "name": task.get_name(self.user_manager.session_language()), "authors": task.get_authors(self.user_manager.session_language()), "deadline": task.get_deadline(), "status": "notviewed" if task_cache is None else "notattempted" if task_cache["tried"] == 0 else "succeeded" if task_cache["succeeded"] else "failed", "grade": task_cache.get("grade", 0.0) if task_cache is not None else 0.0, "grade_weight": task.get_grading_weight(), "context": task.get_context(self.user_manager.session_language()).original_content(), "problems": [] } for problem in task.get_problems(): pcontent = problem.get_original_content() pcontent["id"] = problem.get_id() if pcontent["type"] == "match": del pcontent["answer"] if pcontent["type"] == "multiple_choice": pcontent["choices"] = {key: val["text"] for key, val in enumerate(pcontent["choices"])} pcontent = self._check_for_parsable_text(pcontent) data["problems"].append(pcontent) output.append(data) return 200, output