Source code for inginious.frontend.pages.api.authentication

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" Authentication """

import web

from inginious.frontend.pages.api._api_page import APIPage, APIInvalidArguments

[docs]class APIAuthentication(APIPage): """ Endpoint /api/v0/authentication """
[docs] def API_GET(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Returns {"authenticated": false} or {"authenticated": true, "username": "your_username"} (always 200 OK) """ if self.user_manager.session_logged_in(): return 200, {"authenticated": True, "username": self.user_manager.session_username()} else: return 200, {"authenticated": False}
[docs] def API_POST(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Authenticates the remote client. Takes as input: auth_method_id an id for an auth method as returned be /api/v0/auth_methods input_key_1 the first input key and its value input_key_2 the first input key and its value ... ... Response: a dict in the form {"status": "success"} (200 OK) or {"status": "error"} (403 Forbidden) """ user_input = web.input() if "auth_method_id" not in user_input: raise APIInvalidArguments() try: auth_method_id = int(user_input["auth_method_id"]) except: raise APIInvalidArguments() del user_input["auth_method_id"] try: if "login" in user_input and "password" in user_input and \ self.user_manager.auth_user(user_input["login"].strip(), user_input["password"]) is not None: return 200, {"status": "success", "username": self.user_manager.session_username()} except: pass return 403, {"status": "error"}