Source code for inginious.frontend.installer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" Custom installer for the web app """

import hashlib
import os
import tarfile
import urllib.request
import docker

from gridfs import GridFS
from pymongo import MongoClient

import inginious.common.custom_yaml as yaml

HEADER = '\033[95m'
INFO = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[33m'
WHITE = '\033[97m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
DOC = '\033[39m'
BACKGROUND_RED = '\033[101m'

[docs]class Installer: """ Custom installer for the WebApp frontend """ def __init__(self, config_path=None): self._config_path = config_path ####################################### # Display functions # ####################################### def _display_header(self, title): """ Displays an header in the console """ print("") print(BOLD + HEADER + "--- " + title + " ---" + ENDC) def _display_warning(self, content): """ Displays a warning in the console """ print(WARNING + "(WARN) " + content + ENDC) def _display_info(self, content): """ Displays an info message in the console """ print(INFO + "(INFO) " + content + ENDC) def _display_question(self, content): """ Displays a preamble to a question """ print(DOC + content + ENDC) def _display_error(self, content): """ Displays an error """ print(WHITE + BACKGROUND_RED + "(ERROR) " + content + ENDC) def _display_big_warning(self, content): """ Displays a BIG warning """ print("") print(BOLD + WARNING + "--- WARNING ---" + ENDC) print(WARNING + content + ENDC) print("") def _ask_with_default(self, question, default): default = str(default) answer = input(DOC + UNDERLINE + question + " [" + default + "]:" + ENDC + " ") if answer == "": answer = default return answer def _ask_boolean(self, question, default): while True: val = self._ask_with_default(question, ("yes" if default else "no")).lower() if val in ["yes", "y", "1", "true", "t"]: return True elif val in ["no", "n", "0", "false", "f"]: return False self._display_question("Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.") ####################################### # Main function # #######################################
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the installator """ self._display_header("BACKEND CONFIGURATION") options = {} while True: options = {} backend = self.ask_backend() if backend == "local": self._display_info("Backend chosen: local. Testing the configuration.") options = self._ask_local_config() if not self.test_local_docker_conf(): self._display_error( "An error occurred while testing the configuration. Please make sure you are able do run `docker info` in " "your command line, and environment parameters like DOCKER_HOST are correctly set.") if self._ask_boolean("Would you like to continue anyway?", False): break else: break else: self._display_warning( "Backend chosen: manual. As it is a really advanced feature, you will have to configure it yourself in " "the configuration file, at the end of the setup process.") options = {"backend": backend} break self._display_header("MONGODB CONFIGURATION") mongo_opt = self.configure_mongodb() options.update(mongo_opt) self._display_header("TASK DIRECTORY") task_directory_opt = self.configure_task_directory() options.update(task_directory_opt) self._display_header("CONTAINERS") self.configure_containers(options) self._display_header("MISC") misc_opt = self.configure_misc() options.update(misc_opt) database = self.try_mongodb_opts(options["mongo_opt"]["host"], options["mongo_opt"]["database"]) self._display_header("BACKUP DIRECTORY") backup_directory_opt = self.configure_backup_directory() options.update(backup_directory_opt) self._display_header("AUTHENTIFICATION") auth_opts = self.configure_authentication(database) options.update(auth_opts) self._display_info("You may want to add additional plugins to the configuration file.") self._display_header("REMOTE DEBUGGING - IN BROWSER") self._display_info( "If you want to activate the remote debugging of task in the users' browser, you have to install separately " "INGInious-xterm, which is available on Github, according to the parameters you have given for the hostname and the " "port range given in the configuration of the remote debugging.") self._display_info( "You can leave the following question empty to disable this feature; remote debugging will still be available, " "but not in the browser.") webterm = self._ask_with_default( "Please indicate the link to your installation of INGInious-xterm (for example: " "", "") if webterm != "": options["webterm"] = webterm self._display_header("END") file_dir = self._config_path or os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.configuration_filename()) try: yaml.dump(options, open(file_dir, "w")) self._display_info("Successfully written the configuration file") except: self._display_error("Cannot write the configuration file on disk. Here is the content of the file") print(yaml.dump(options))
####################################### # Docker configuration # ####################################### def _ask_local_config(self): """ Ask some parameters about the local configuration """ options = {"backend": "local", "local-config": {}} # Concurrency while True: concurrency = self._ask_with_default( "Maximum concurrency (number of tasks running simultaneously). Leave it empty to use the number of " "CPU of your host.", "") if concurrency == "": break try: concurrency = int(concurrency) except: self._display_error("Invalid number") continue if concurrency <= 0: self._display_error("Invalid number") continue options["local-config"]["concurrency"] = concurrency break # Debug hostname hostname = self._ask_with_default( "What is the external hostname/address of your machine? You can leave this empty and let INGInious " "autodetect it.", "") if hostname != "": options["local-config"]["debug_host"] = hostname self._display_info( "You can now enter the port range for the remote debugging feature of INGInious. Please verify that these " "ports are open in your firewall. You can leave this parameters empty, the default is 64100-64200") # Debug port range port_range = None while True: start_port = self._ask_with_default("Beginning of the range", "") if start_port != "": try: start_port = int(start_port) except: self._display_error("Invalid number") continue end_port = self._ask_with_default("End of the range", str(start_port + 100)) try: end_port = int(end_port) except: self._display_error("Invalid number") continue if start_port > end_port: self._display_error("Invalid range") continue port_range = str(start_port) + "-" + str(end_port) else: break if port_range != None: options["local-config"]["debug_ports"] = port_range return options
[docs] def test_local_docker_conf(self): """ Test to connect to a local Docker daemon """ try: docker_connection = docker.from_env() except Exception as e: self._display_error("- Unable to connect to Docker. Error was %s" % str(e)) return False try: self._display_info("- Asking Docker some info") if docker.utils.compare_version('1.24', docker_connection.version()['ApiVersion']) < 0: self._display_error("- Docker version >= 1.12.0 is required.") return False except Exception as e: self._display_error("- Unable to contact Docker. Error was %s" % str(e)) return False self._display_info("- Successfully got info from Docker. Docker connection works.") return True
[docs] def ask_backend(self): """ Ask the user to choose the backend """ response = self._ask_boolean( "Do you have a local docker daemon (on Linux), do you use docker-machine via a local machine, or do you use " "Docker for macOS?", True) if (response): self._display_info("If you use docker-machine on macOS, please see " "") return "local" else: self._display_info( "You will have to run inginious-backend and inginious-agent yourself. Please run the commands without argument " "and/or read the documentation for more info") return self._display_question("Please enter the address of your backend")
####################################### # MONGODB CONFIGURATION # #######################################
[docs] def try_mongodb_opts(self, host="localhost", database_name='INGInious'): """ Try MongoDB configuration """ try: mongo_client = MongoClient(host=host) # Effective access only occurs when we call a method on the connexion mongo_version = str(mongo_client.server_info()['version']) self._display_info("Found mongodb server running version %s on %s." % (mongo_version, host)) except Exception as e: self._display_warning("Cannot connect to MongoDB on host %s: %s" % (host, str(e))) return None try: database = mongo_client[database_name] # Effective access only occurs when we call a method on the database. database.list_collection_names() except Exception as e: self._display_warning("Cannot access database %s: %s" % (database_name, str(e))) return None try: # Effective access only occurs when we call a method on the gridfs object. GridFS(database).find_one() except Exception as e: self._display_warning("Cannot access gridfs %s: %s" % (database_name, str(e))) return None return database
[docs] def configure_mongodb(self): """ Configure MongoDB """ self._display_info("Trying default configuration") host = "localhost" database_name = "INGInious" should_ask = True if self.try_mongodb_opts(host, database_name): should_ask = self._ask_boolean( "Successfully connected to MongoDB. Do you want to edit the configuration anyway?", False) else: self._display_info("Cannot guess configuration for MongoDB.") while should_ask: self._display_question( "Please enter the MongoDB host. If you need to enter a password, here is the syntax:") self._display_question("mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/AUTHENTIFICATION_DATABASE") host = self._ask_with_default("MongoDB host", host) database_name = self._ask_with_default("Database name", database_name) if not self.try_mongodb_opts(host, database_name): if self._ask_boolean("Cannot connect to MongoDB. Would you like to continue anyway?", False): break else: self._display_info("Successfully connected to MongoDB") break return {"mongo_opt": {"host": host, "database": database_name}}
####################################### # TASK DIRECTORY # #######################################
[docs] def configure_task_directory(self): """ Configure task directory """ self._display_question( "Please choose a directory in which to store the course/task files. By default, the tool will put them in the current " "directory") task_directory = None while task_directory is None: task_directory = self._ask_with_default("Task directory", ".") if not os.path.exists(task_directory): self._display_error("Path does not exists") if self._ask_boolean("Would you like to retry?", True): task_directory = None if os.path.exists(task_directory): self._display_question("Demonstration tasks can be downloaded to let you discover INGInious.") if self._ask_boolean("Would you like to download them ?", True): try: filename, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve( "") with, mode="r:gz") as thetarfile: members = thetarfile.getmembers() commonpath = os.path.commonpath([ for tarinfo in members]) for member in members: =[len(commonpath) + 1:] if thetarfile.extract(member, task_directory) self._display_info("Successfully downloaded and copied demonstration tasks.") except Exception as e: self._display_error("An error occurred while copying the directory: %s" % str(e)) else: self._display_warning("Skipping copying the 'test' course because the task dir does not exists") return {"tasks_directory": task_directory}
####################################### # CONTAINERS # #######################################
[docs] def download_containers(self, to_download, current_options): """ Download the chosen containers on all the agents """ if current_options["backend"] == "local": self._display_info("Connecting to the local Docker daemon...") try: docker_connection = docker.from_env() except: self._display_error("Cannot connect to local Docker daemon. Skipping download.") return for image in to_download: try: self._display_info("Downloading image %s. This can take some time." % image) docker_connection.images.pull(image + ":v0.6") except Exception as e: self._display_error("An error occurred while pulling the image: %s." % str(e)) else: self._display_warning( "This installation tool does not support the backend configuration directly, if it's not local. You will have to " "pull the images by yourself. Here is the list: %s" % str(to_download))
[docs] def configure_containers(self, current_options): """ Configures the container dict """ containers = [ ("default", "Default container. For Bash and Python 2 tasks"), ("cpp", "Contains gcc and g++ for compiling C++"), ("java7", "Contains Java 7"), ("java8scala", "Contains Java 8 and Scala"), ("mono", "Contains Mono, which allows to run C#, F# and many other languages"), ("oz", "Contains Mozart 2, an implementation of the Oz multi-paradigm language, made for education"), ("php", "Contains PHP 5"), ("pythia0compat", "Compatibility container for Pythia 0"), ("pythia1compat", "Compatibility container for Pythia 1"), ("r", "Can run R scripts"), ("sekexe", "Can run an user-mode-linux for advanced tasks") ] default_download = ["default"] self._display_question( "The tool will now propose to download some base container image for multiple languages.") self._display_question( "Please note that the download of these images can take a lot of time, so choose only the images you need") to_download = [] for container_name, description in containers: if self._ask_boolean("Download %s (%s) ?" % (container_name, description), container_name in default_download): to_download.append("ingi/inginious-c-%s" % container_name) self.download_containers(to_download, current_options) wants = self._ask_boolean("Do you want to manually add some images?", False) while wants: image = self._ask_with_default("Container image name (leave this field empty to skip)", "") if image == "": break self._display_info("Configuration of the containers done.")
####################################### # MISC # #######################################
[docs] def configure_misc(self): """ Configure various things """ options = {} options["use_minified_js"] = self._ask_boolean( "Use minified javascript? (Useful in production, but should be disabled in dev environment)", True) return options
[docs] def configure_backup_directory(self): """ Configure backup directory """ self._display_question("Please choose a directory in which to store the backup files. By default, the tool will them in the current " "directory") backup_directory = None while backup_directory is None: backup_directory = self._ask_with_default("Backup directory", ".") if not os.path.exists(backup_directory): self._display_error("Path does not exists") if self._ask_boolean("Would you like to retry?", True): backup_directory = None return {"backup_directory": backup_directory}
[docs] def ldap_plugin(self): """ Configures the LDAP plugin """ name = self._ask_with_default("Authentication method name (will be displayed on the login page)", "LDAP") prefix = self._ask_with_default("Prefix to append to the username before db storage. Usefull when you have more than one auth method with " "common usernames.", "") ldap_host = self._ask_with_default("LDAP Host", "") encryption = 'none' while True: encryption = self._ask_with_default("Encryption (either 'ssl', 'tls', or 'none')", 'none') if encryption not in ['none', 'ssl', 'tls']: self._display_error("Invalid value") else: break base_dn = self._ask_with_default("Base DN", "ou=people,c=com") request = self._ask_with_default("Request to find a user. '{}' will be replaced by the username", "uid={}") require_cert = self._ask_boolean("Require certificate validation?", encryption is not None) return { "plugin_module": "inginious.frontend.plugins.auth.ldap_auth", "host": ldap_host, "encryption": encryption, "base_dn": base_dn, "request": request, "prefix": prefix, "name": name, "require_cert": require_cert }
[docs] def configure_authentication(self, database): """ Configure the authentication """ options = {"plugins": [], "superadmins": []} self._display_info("We will now create the first user.") username = self._ask_with_default("Enter the login of the superadmin", "superadmin") realname = self._ask_with_default("Enter the name of the superadmin", "INGInious SuperAdmin") email = self._ask_with_default("Enter the email address of the superadmin", "") password = self._ask_with_default("Enter the password of the superadmin", "superadmin") database.users.insert({"username": username, "realname": realname, "email": email, "password": hashlib.sha512(password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), "bindings": {}, "language": "en"}) options["superadmins"].append(username) while True: if not self._ask_boolean("Would you like to add another auth method?", False): break self._display_info("You can choose an authentication plugin between:") self._display_info("- 1. LDAP auth plugin. This plugin allows to connect to a distant LDAP host.") plugin = self._ask_with_default("Enter the corresponding number to your choice", '1') if plugin not in ['1']: continue elif plugin == '1': options["plugins"].append(self.ldap_plugin()) return options
[docs] def configuration_filename(self): """ Returns the name of the configuration file """ return "configuration.yaml"
[docs] def support_remote_debugging(self): """ Returns True if the frontend supports remote debugging, False else""" return True