Source code for inginious.frontend.accessible_time

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" Contains AccessibleTime, class that represents the period of time when a course/task is accessible """

from datetime import datetime

[docs]def parse_date(date, default=None): """ Parse a valid date """ if date == "": if default is not None: return default else: raise Exception("Unknown format for " + date) for format_type in ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d %H", "%Y-%m-%d", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", "%d/%m/%Y %H", "%d/%m/%Y"]: try: return datetime.strptime(date, format_type) except ValueError: pass raise Exception("Unknown format for " + date)
[docs]class AccessibleTime(object): """ represents the period of time when a course/task is accessible """ def __init__(self, val=None): """ Parse a string/a boolean to get the correct time period. Correct values for val: True (task always open) False (task always closed) 2014-07-16 11:24:00 (task is open from 2014-07-16 at 11:24:00) 2014-07-16 (task is open from 2014-07-16) / 2014-07-16 11:24:00 (task is only open before the 2014-07-16 at 11:24:00) / 2014-07-16 (task is only open before the 2014-07-16) 2014-07-16 11:24:00 / 2014-07-20 11:24:00 (task is open from 2014-07-16 11:24:00 and will be closed the 2014-07-20 at 11:24:00) 2014-07-16 / 2014-07-20 11:24:00 (...) 2014-07-16 11:24:00 / 2014-07-20 (...) 2014-07-16 / 2014-07-20 (...) 2014-07-16 11:24:00 / 2014-07-20 11:24:00 / 2014-07-20 12:24:00 (task is open from 2014-07-16 11:24:00, has a soft deadline set at 2014-07-20 11:24:00 and will be closed the 2014-07-20 at 11:24:00) 2014-07-16 / 2014-07-20 11:24:00 / 2014-07-21 (...) 2014-07-16 / 2014-07-20 / 2014-07-21 (...) """ if val is None or val == "" or val is True: self._val = [datetime.min, datetime.max] self._soft_end = datetime.max elif val == False: self._val = [datetime.max, datetime.max] self._soft_end = datetime.max else: # str values = val.split("/") if len(values) == 1: self._val = [parse_date(values[0].strip(), datetime.min), datetime.max] self._soft_end = datetime.max elif len(values) == 2: # Has start time and hard deadline self._val = [parse_date(values[0].strip(), datetime.min), parse_date(values[1].strip(), datetime.max)] self._soft_end = self._val[1] else: # Has start time, soft deadline and hard deadline self._val = [parse_date(values[0].strip(), datetime.min), parse_date(values[2].strip(), datetime.max)] self._soft_end = parse_date(values[1].strip(), datetime.max) # Having a soft deadline after the hard one does not make sense if self._soft_end > self._val[1]: self._soft_end = self._val[1]
[docs] def before_start(self, when=None): """ Returns True if the task/course is not yet accessible """ if when is None: when = return self._val[0] > when
[docs] def after_start(self, when=None): """ Returns True if the task/course is or have been accessible in the past """ return not self.before_start(when)
[docs] def is_open(self, when=None): """ Returns True if the course/task is still open """ if when is None: when = return self._val[0] <= when and when <= self._val[1]
[docs] def is_open_with_soft_deadline(self, when=None): """ Returns True if the course/task is still open with the soft deadline """ if when is None: when = return self._val[0] <= when and when <= self._soft_end
[docs] def is_always_accessible(self): """ Returns true if the course/task is always accessible """ return self._val[0] == datetime.min and self._val[1] == datetime.max
[docs] def is_never_accessible(self): """ Returns true if the course/task is never accessible """ return self._val[0] == datetime.max and self._val[1] == datetime.max
[docs] def get_std_start_date(self): """ If the date is custom, return the start datetime with the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. Else, returns "". """ first, _ = self._val if first != datetime.min and first != datetime.max: return first.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: return ""
[docs] def get_std_end_date(self): """ If the date is custom, return the end datetime with the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. Else, returns "". """ _, second = self._val if second != datetime.max: return second.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: return ""
[docs] def get_std_soft_end_date(self): """ If the date is custom, return the soft datetime with the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. Else, returns "". """ if self._soft_end != datetime.max: return self._soft_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: return ""
[docs] def get_start_date(self): """ Return a datetime object, representing the date when the task/course become accessible """ return self._val[0]
[docs] def get_end_date(self): """ Return a datetime object, representing the deadline for accessibility """ return self._val[1]
[docs] def get_soft_end_date(self): """ Return a datetime object, representing the soft deadline for accessibility """ return self._soft_end