Source code for inginious.common.tasks_problems

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" Tasks' problems """
import gettext
import sys
import re
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from inginious.common.base import id_checker

[docs]class Problem(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Basic problem """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_type(cls): """ Returns the type of the problem """ return None
[docs] @abstractmethod def input_is_consistent(self, task_input, default_allowed_extension, default_max_size): """ Check if an input for this problem is consistent. Return true if this is case, false else """ return False
[docs] @abstractmethod def input_type(self): """ Indicates if problem input type """ return str
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_answer(self, task_input, language): """ Check the answer. Returns four values: the first is either True, False or None, indicating respectively that the answer is valid, invalid, or need to be sent to VM the second is the error message assigned to the task, if any (unused for now) the third is the error message assigned to this problem, if any the fourth is the number of errors in MCQ; should be zero when not a MCQ. """ return True, None, None, 0
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_text_fields(cls): """ Returns a dict whose keys are the keys of content dict and val is True if value of content[key] is human-readable text """ return {"name": True}
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Get the id of this problem """ return self._id
[docs] def get_task(self): """ Get the task containing this problem """ return self._task
[docs] def get_name(self, language=None): """ Get the name of this problem """ return self.gettext(language, self._name) if self._name else ""
[docs] def get_original_content(self): """ Get a dict fully describing this sub-problem """ return dict(self._original_content)
def __init__(self, task, problemid, content): if not id_checker(problemid): raise Exception("Invalid problem _id: " + problemid) self._id = problemid self._task = task self._name = content['name'] if "name" in content else "" self._original_content = content
[docs] @classmethod def parse_problem(self, problem_content): if "limit" in problem_content: try: problem_content["limit"] = int(problem_content["limit"]) except: del problem_content["limit"] return problem_content
[docs] def get_translation_obj(self, language=None): return self._task.get_translation_obj(language)
[docs] def gettext(self, language, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_translation_obj(language).gettext(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class CodeProblem(Problem): """Code problem""" def __init__(self, task, problemid, content): Problem.__init__(self, task, problemid, content) self._header = content['header'] if "header" in content else "" self._optional = content.get("optional", False) if re.match(r'[a-z0-9\-_\.]+$', content.get("language", ""), re.IGNORECASE): self._language = content.get("language", "") elif content.get("language", ""): raise Exception("Invalid language " + content["language"]) else: self._language = "plain" self._default = content.get("default", "")
[docs] def input_type(self): return str
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls): return "code"
[docs] def check_answer(self, _, __): return None, None, None, 0
[docs] def input_is_consistent(self, task_input, default_allowed_extension, default_max_size): try: if not self.get_id() in task_input: return False # do not allow empty answers if len(task_input[self.get_id()]) == 0: if self._optional: task_input[self.get_id()] = "" else: return False except: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def parse_problem(self, problem_content): return Problem.parse_problem(problem_content)
[docs] @classmethod def get_text_fields(cls): fields = Problem.get_text_fields() fields.update({"header": True}) return fields
[docs]class CodeSingleLineProblem(CodeProblem): """Code problem with a single line of input"""
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls): return "code_single_line"
[docs]class FileProblem(Problem): """File upload Problem""" def __init__(self, task, problemid, content): Problem.__init__(self, task, problemid, content) self._header = content['header'] if "header" in content else "" self._max_size = content.get("max_size", None) self._allowed_exts = content.get("allowed_exts", None)
[docs] def input_type(self): return dict
[docs] def check_answer(self, _, __): return None, None, None, 0
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls): return "file"
[docs] @classmethod def parse_problem(self, problem_content): problem_content = Problem.parse_problem(problem_content) if "allowed_exts" in problem_content: if problem_content["allowed_exts"] == "": del problem_content["allowed_exts"] else: problem_content["allowed_exts"] = problem_content["allowed_exts"].split(',') if "max_size" in problem_content: try: problem_content["max_size"] = int(problem_content["max_size"]) except: del problem_content["max_size"] return problem_content
[docs] def input_is_consistent(self, task_input, default_allowed_extension, default_max_size): if not str(self.get_id()) in task_input: return False try: if not task_input[self.get_id()]["filename"].endswith(tuple(self._allowed_exts or default_allowed_extension)): return False if sys.getsizeof(task_input[self.get_id()]["value"]) > (self._max_size or default_max_size): return False except: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_text_fields(cls): fields = Problem.get_text_fields() fields.update({"header": True}) return fields
[docs]class MultipleChoiceProblem(Problem): """Multiple choice problems""" def __init__(self, task, problemid, content): super(MultipleChoiceProblem, self).__init__(task, problemid, content) self._header = content['header'] if "header" in content else "" self._multiple = content.get("multiple", False) if "choices" not in content or not isinstance(content['choices'], list): raise Exception("Multiple choice problem " + problemid + " does not have choices or choices are not an array") good_choices = [] bad_choices = [] for index, choice in enumerate(content["choices"]): data = {"index": index} if "text" not in choice: raise Exception("A choice in " + problemid + " does not have text") data['text'] = choice["text"] data['feedback'] = choice.get('feedback') if choice.get('valid', False): data['valid'] = True good_choices.append(data) else: data['valid'] = False bad_choices.append(data) if len(good_choices) == 0: raise Exception("Problem " + problemid + " does not have any valid answer") self._limit = 0 if "limit" in content and isinstance(content['limit'], int) and content['limit'] >= 0 and (not self._multiple or content['limit'] >= \ len(good_choices) or content['limit'] == 0): self._limit = content['limit'] elif "limit" in content: raise Exception("Invalid limit in problem " + problemid) self._centralize = content.get("centralize", False) self._error_message = content.get("error_message", None) self._success_message = content.get("success_message", None) self._choices = good_choices + bad_choices
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls): return "multiple_choice"
[docs] def allow_multiple(self): """ Returns true if this multiple choice problem allows checking multiple answers """ return self._multiple
[docs] def get_choice_with_index(self, index): """ Return the choice with index=index """ for entry in self._choices: if entry["index"] == index: return entry return None
[docs] def input_type(self): return list if self._multiple else str
[docs] def input_is_consistent(self, task_input, default_allowed_extension, default_max_size): if self.get_id() not in task_input: return False if self._multiple: if not isinstance(task_input[self.get_id()], list): return False try: # test conversion to int for entry in task_input[self.get_id()]: if self.get_choice_with_index(int(entry)) is None: return False except ValueError: return False else: try: # test conversion to int if self.get_choice_with_index(int(task_input[self.get_id()])) is None: return False except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] def check_answer(self, task_input, language): valid = True msgs = [] invalid_count = 0 if self._multiple: for choice in self._choices: if choice["valid"] and not choice["index"] in task_input[self.get_id()] and not str(choice["index"]) in task_input[self.get_id()]: valid = False invalid_count += 1 elif not choice["valid"] and (choice["index"] in task_input[self.get_id()] or str(choice["index"]) in task_input[self.get_id()]): valid = False invalid_count += 1 for i in task_input[self.get_id()]: feedback = self.get_choice_with_index(int(i))["feedback"] if feedback is not None: msgs.append(self.gettext(language, feedback)) else: choice = self.get_choice_with_index(int(task_input[self.get_id()])) valid = choice["valid"] if not valid: invalid_count += 1 if choice["feedback"] is not None: msgs.append(self.gettext(language, choice["feedback"])) if not valid: if self._error_message is not None: msgs = [self.gettext(language, self._error_message)] + msgs elif not self._centralize: msgs = ["_wrong_answer_multiple" if self._multiple else "_wrong_answer"] + msgs if len(msgs) != 0: return False, None, msgs, invalid_count else: return False, None, None, invalid_count if self._success_message is not None: msgs = [self.gettext(language, self._success_message)] + msgs if len(msgs) != 0: return True, None, msgs, 0 else: return True, None, None, 0
[docs] @classmethod def parse_problem(self, problem_content): problem_content = Problem.parse_problem(problem_content) # store boolean fields as booleans for field in ["optional", "multiple", "centralize"]: if field in problem_content: problem_content[field] = True if "choices" in problem_content: problem_content["choices"] = [val for _, val in sorted(iter(problem_content["choices"].items()), key=lambda x: int(x[0]))] for choice in problem_content["choices"]: if "valid" in choice: choice["valid"] = True if "feedback" in choice and choice["feedback"].strip() == "": del choice["feedback"] for message in ["error_message", "success_message"]: if message in problem_content and problem_content[message].strip() == "": del problem_content[message] return problem_content
[docs] @classmethod def get_text_fields(cls): fields = Problem.get_text_fields() fields.update({"header": True, "success_message": True, "error_message": True, "choices": [{"text": True, "feedback": True}]}) return fields
[docs]class MatchProblem(Problem): """Display an input box and check that the content is correct""" def __init__(self, task, problemid, content): super(MatchProblem, self).__init__(task, problemid, content) self._header = content['header'] if "header" in content else "" if not "answer" in content: raise Exception("There is no answer in this problem with type==match") self._answer = str(content["answer"])
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls): return "match"
[docs] def input_is_consistent(self, task_input, default_allowed_extension, default_max_size): return self.get_id() in task_input
[docs] def input_type(self): return str
[docs] def check_answer(self, task_input, language): if task_input[self.get_id()].strip() == self._answer: return True, None, ["_correct_answer"], 0 else: return False, None, ["_wrong_answer"], 0
[docs] @classmethod def parse_problem(self, problem_content): return Problem.parse_problem(problem_content)
[docs] @classmethod def get_text_fields(cls): fields = Problem.get_text_fields() fields.update({"header": True}) return fields