Source code for inginious.common.task_factory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" Factory for loading tasks from disk """

from os.path import splitext
from inginious.common.filesystems.provider import FileSystemProvider
from inginious.common.log import get_course_logger
from inginious.common.tasks import Task
from inginious.common.base import id_checker
from inginious.common.task_file_readers.yaml_reader import TaskYAMLFileReader
from inginious.common.exceptions import InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException, TaskUnreadableException, TaskReaderNotFoundException

[docs]class TaskFactory(object): """ Load courses from disk """ def __init__(self, filesystem: FileSystemProvider, hook_manager, task_problem_types, task_class=Task): self._filesystem = filesystem self._task_class = task_class self._hook_manager = hook_manager self._cache = {} self._task_file_managers = {} self._task_problem_types = task_problem_types self.add_custom_task_file_manager(TaskYAMLFileReader())
[docs] def add_problem_type(self, problem_type): """ :param problem_type: Problem class """ self._task_problem_types.update({problem_type.get_type(): problem_type})
[docs] def get_task(self, course, taskid): """ :param course: a Course object :param taskid: the task id of the task :raise InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException, TaskUnreadableException :return: an object representing the task, of the type given in the constructor """ if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) if self._cache_update_needed(course, taskid): self._update_cache(course, taskid) return self._cache[(course.get_id(), taskid)][0]
[docs] def get_task_descriptor_content(self, courseid, taskid): """ :param courseid: the course id of the course :param taskid: the task id of the task :raise InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException, TaskUnreadableException :return: the content of the task descriptor, as a dict """ if not id_checker(courseid): raise InvalidNameException("Course with invalid name: " + courseid) if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) descriptor_path, descriptor_manager = self._get_task_descriptor_info(courseid, taskid) try: task_content = descriptor_manager.load(self.get_task_fs(courseid, taskid).get(descriptor_path)) except Exception as e: raise TaskUnreadableException(str(e)) return task_content
[docs] def get_task_descriptor_extension(self, courseid, taskid): """ :param courseid: the course id of the course :param taskid: the task id of the task :raise InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException :return: the current extension of the task descriptor """ if not id_checker(courseid): raise InvalidNameException("Course with invalid name: " + courseid) if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) descriptor_path = self._get_task_descriptor_info(courseid, taskid)[0] return splitext(descriptor_path)[1]
[docs] def get_task_fs(self, courseid, taskid): """ :param courseid: the course id of the course :param taskid: the task id of the task :raise InvalidNameException :return: A FileSystemProvider to the folder containing the task files """ if not id_checker(courseid): raise InvalidNameException("Course with invalid name: " + courseid) if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) return self._filesystem.from_subfolder(courseid).from_subfolder(taskid)
[docs] def update_task_descriptor_content(self, courseid, taskid, content, force_extension=None): """ Update the task descriptor with the dict in content :param courseid: the course id of the course :param taskid: the task id of the task :param content: the content to put in the task file :param force_extension: If None, save it the same format. Else, save with the given extension :raise InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException, TaskUnreadableException """ if not id_checker(courseid): raise InvalidNameException("Course with invalid name: " + courseid) if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) if force_extension is None: path_to_descriptor, descriptor_manager = self._get_task_descriptor_info(courseid, taskid) elif force_extension in self.get_available_task_file_extensions(): path_to_descriptor = "task." + force_extension descriptor_manager = self._task_file_managers[force_extension] else: raise TaskReaderNotFoundException() try: self.get_task_fs(courseid, taskid).put(path_to_descriptor, descriptor_manager.dump(content)) except: raise TaskNotFoundException()
[docs] def get_readable_tasks(self, course): """ Returns the list of all available tasks in a course """ course_fs = self._filesystem.from_subfolder(course.get_id()) tasks = [ task[0:len(task)-1] # remove trailing / for task in course_fs.list(folders=True, files=False, recursive=False) if self._task_file_exists(course_fs.from_subfolder(task))] return tasks
def _task_file_exists(self, task_fs): """ Returns true if a task file exists in this directory """ for filename in ["task.{}".format(ext) for ext in self.get_available_task_file_extensions()]: if task_fs.exists(filename): return True return False
[docs] def delete_all_possible_task_files(self, courseid, taskid): """ Deletes all possibles task files in directory, to allow to change the format """ if not id_checker(courseid): raise InvalidNameException("Course with invalid name: " + courseid) if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) task_fs = self.get_task_fs(courseid, taskid) for ext in self.get_available_task_file_extensions(): try: task_fs.delete("task."+ext) except: pass
[docs] def get_all_tasks(self, course): """ :return: a table containing taskid=>Task pairs """ tasks = self.get_readable_tasks(course) output = {} for task in tasks: try: output[task] = self.get_task(course, task) except: pass return output
def _get_task_descriptor_info(self, courseid, taskid): """ :param courseid: the course id of the course :param taskid: the task id of the task :raise InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException :return: a tuple, containing: (descriptor filename, task file manager for the descriptor) """ if not id_checker(courseid): raise InvalidNameException("Course with invalid name: " + courseid) if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) task_fs = self.get_task_fs(courseid, taskid) for ext, task_file_manager in self._task_file_managers.items(): if task_fs.exists("task."+ext): return "task." + ext, task_file_manager raise TaskNotFoundException()
[docs] def add_custom_task_file_manager(self, task_file_manager): """ Add a custom task file manager """ self._task_file_managers[task_file_manager.get_ext()] = task_file_manager
[docs] def get_available_task_file_extensions(self): """ Get a list of all the extensions possible for task descriptors """ return list(self._task_file_managers.keys())
def _cache_update_needed(self, course, taskid): """ :param course: a Course object :param taskid: a (valid) task id :raise InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException :return: True if an update of the cache is needed, False else """ if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) task_fs = self.get_task_fs(course.get_id(), taskid) if (course.get_id(), taskid) not in self._cache: return True try: last_update, __, __ = self._get_last_updates(course, taskid, task_fs, False) except: raise TaskNotFoundException() last_modif = self._cache[(course.get_id(), taskid)][1] for filename, mftime in last_update.items(): if filename not in last_modif or last_modif[filename] < mftime: return True return False def _get_last_updates(self, course, taskid, task_fs, need_content=False): descriptor_name, descriptor_reader = self._get_task_descriptor_info(course.get_id(), taskid) last_update = {descriptor_name: task_fs.get_last_modification_time(descriptor_name)} translations_fs = task_fs.from_subfolder("$i18n") if not translations_fs.exists(): translations_fs = task_fs.from_subfolder("student").from_subfolder("$i18n") if not translations_fs.exists(): translations_fs = course.get_fs().from_subfolder("$common").from_subfolder("$i18n") if not translations_fs.exists(): translations_fs = course.get_fs().from_subfolder("$common").from_subfolder("student").from_subfolder( "$i18n") if not translations_fs.exists(): translations_fs = course.get_fs().from_subfolder("$i18n") if translations_fs.exists(): for f in translations_fs.list(folders=False, files=True, recursive=False): lang = f[0:len(f) - 3] if translations_fs.exists(lang + ".mo"): last_update["$i18n/" + lang + ".mo"] = translations_fs.get_last_modification_time(lang + ".mo") if need_content: try: task_content = descriptor_reader.load(task_fs.get(descriptor_name)) except Exception as e: raise TaskUnreadableException(str(e)) return last_update, translations_fs, task_content else: return last_update, translations_fs, None def _update_cache(self, course, taskid): """ Updates the cache :param course: a Course object :param taskid: a (valid) task id :raise InvalidNameException, TaskNotFoundException, TaskUnreadableException """ if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) task_fs = self.get_task_fs(course.get_id(), taskid) last_modif, translation_fs, task_content = self._get_last_updates(course, taskid, task_fs, True) self._cache[(course.get_id(), taskid)] = ( self._task_class(course, taskid, task_content, task_fs, translation_fs, self._hook_manager, self._task_problem_types), last_modif )
[docs] def update_cache_for_course(self, courseid): """ Clean/update the cache of all the tasks for a given course (id) :param courseid: """ to_drop = [] for (cid, tid) in self._cache: if cid == courseid: to_drop.append(tid) for tid in to_drop: del self._cache[(courseid, tid)]
[docs] def delete_task(self, courseid, taskid): """ :param courseid: the course id of the course :param taskid: the task id of the task :raise InvalidNameException or CourseNotFoundException Erase the content of the task folder """ if not id_checker(courseid): raise InvalidNameException("Course with invalid name: " + courseid) if not id_checker(taskid): raise InvalidNameException("Task with invalid name: " + taskid) task_fs = self.get_task_fs(courseid, taskid) if task_fs.exists(): task_fs.delete() get_course_logger(courseid).info("Task %s erased from the factory.", taskid)
[docs] def get_problem_types(self): """ Returns the supported problem types by this task factory """ return self._task_problem_types