Source code for inginious.backend.backend

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.
import asyncio
import logging
import queue
import time
import zmq
from zmq.asyncio import Poller

from inginious.common.message_meta import ZMQUtils
from inginious.common.messages import BackendNewJob, AgentJobStarted, AgentJobDone, AgentJobSSHDebug, \
    BackendJobDone, BackendJobStarted, BackendJobSSHDebug, ClientNewJob, ClientKillJob, BackendKillJob, AgentHello, ClientHello, \
    BackendUpdateContainers, Unknown, Ping, Pong, ClientGetQueue, BackendGetQueue

[docs]class Backend(object): """ Backend. Central point of the architecture, manages communication between clients (frontends) and agents. Schedule jobs on agents. """ def __init__(self, context, agent_addr, client_addr): self._content = context self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._agent_addr = agent_addr self._client_addr = client_addr self._agent_socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) self._client_socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) self._logger = logging.getLogger("inginious.backend") # Enable support for ipv6 self._agent_socket.ipv6 = True self._client_socket.ipv6 = True self._poller = Poller() self._poller.register(self._agent_socket, zmq.POLLIN) self._poller.register(self._client_socket, zmq.POLLIN) # List of containers available # { # "name": ("last_id", "created_last", ["agent_addr1", "agent_addr2"]) # } self._containers = {} self._registered_clients = set() # addr of registered clients self._registered_agents = {} # addr of registered agents self._available_agents = [] # addr of available agents self._ping_count = {} # ping count per addr of agents self._waiting_jobs_pq = queue.PriorityQueue() # priority queue for waiting jobs self._waiting_jobs = {} # mapping job to job message, with key: [(client_addr_as_bytes, ClientNewJob])] self._job_running = {} # indicates on which agent which job is running. format: {BackendJobId:(addr_as_bytes,ClientNewJob,start_time)}
[docs] async def handle_agent_message(self, agent_addr, message): """Dispatch messages received from agents to the right handlers""" message_handlers = { AgentHello: self.handle_agent_hello, AgentJobStarted: self.handle_agent_job_started, AgentJobDone: self.handle_agent_job_done, AgentJobSSHDebug: self.handle_agent_job_ssh_debug, Pong: self._handle_pong } try: func = message_handlers[message.__class__] except: raise TypeError("Unknown message type %s" % message.__class__) self._create_safe_task(func(agent_addr, message))
[docs] async def handle_client_message(self, client_addr, message): """Dispatch messages received from clients to the right handlers""" # Verify that the client is registered if message.__class__ != ClientHello and client_addr not in self._registered_clients: await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, client_addr, Unknown()) return message_handlers = { ClientHello: self.handle_client_hello, ClientNewJob: self.handle_client_new_job, ClientKillJob: self.handle_client_kill_job, ClientGetQueue: self.handle_client_get_queue, Ping: self.handle_client_ping } try: func = message_handlers[message.__class__] except: raise TypeError("Unknown message type %s" % message.__class__) self._create_safe_task(func(client_addr, message))
[docs] async def send_container_update_to_client(self, client_addrs): """ :param client_addrs: list of clients to which we should send the update """ self._logger.debug("Sending containers updates...") available_containers = tuple(self._containers.keys()) msg = BackendUpdateContainers(available_containers) for client in client_addrs: await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, client, msg)
[docs] async def handle_client_hello(self, client_addr, _: ClientHello): """ Handle an ClientHello message. Send available containers to the client """"New client connected %s", client_addr) self._registered_clients.add(client_addr) await self.send_container_update_to_client([client_addr])
[docs] async def handle_client_ping(self, client_addr, _: Ping): """ Handle an Ping message. Pong the client """ await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, client_addr, Pong())
[docs] async def handle_client_new_job(self, client_addr, message: ClientNewJob): """ Handle an ClientNewJob message. Add a job to the queue and triggers an update """"Adding a new job %s %s to the queue", client_addr, message.job_id) job = (message.priority, time.time(), client_addr, message.job_id, message) self._waiting_jobs[(client_addr, message.job_id)] = job self._waiting_jobs_pq.put(job) await self.update_queue()
[docs] async def handle_client_kill_job(self, client_addr, message: ClientKillJob): """ Handle an ClientKillJob message. Remove a job from the waiting list or send the kill message to the right agent. """ # Check if the job is not in the queue if (client_addr, message.job_id) in self._waiting_jobs: # Erase the job reference in priority queue job = self._waiting_jobs.pop((client_addr, message.job_id)) job[-1] = None # Do not forget to send a JobDone await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, client_addr, BackendJobDone(message.job_id, ("killed", "You killed the job"), 0.0, {}, {}, {}, "", None, "", "")) # If the job is running, transmit the info to the agent elif (client_addr, message.job_id) in self._job_running: agent_addr = self._job_running[(client_addr, message.job_id)][0] await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._agent_socket, agent_addr, BackendKillJob((client_addr, message.job_id))) else: self._logger.warning("Client %s attempted to kill unknown job %s", str(client_addr), str(message.job_id))
[docs] async def handle_client_get_queue(self, client_addr, _: ClientGetQueue): """ Handles a ClientGetQueue message. Send back info about the job queue""" #jobs_running: a list of tuples in the form #(job_id, is_current_client_job, agent_name, info, launcher, started_at, max_end) jobs_running = list() for backend_job_id, content in self._job_running.items(): jobs_running.append((content[1].job_id, backend_job_id[0] == client_addr, self._registered_agents[content[0]], content[1].course_id+"/"+content[1].task_id, content[1].launcher, int(content[2]), int(content[2])+content[1].time_limit)) #jobs_waiting: a list of tuples in the form #(job_id, is_current_client_job, info, launcher, max_time) jobs_waiting = list() for job_client_addr, job in self._waiting_jobs.items(): msg = job[-1] if isinstance(msg, ClientNewJob): jobs_waiting.append((msg.job_id, job_client_addr[0] == client_addr, msg.course_id+"/"+msg.task_id, msg.launcher, msg.time_limit)) await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, client_addr, BackendGetQueue(jobs_running, jobs_waiting))
[docs] async def update_queue(self): """ Send waiting jobs to available agents """ # Loop on available agents to maximize running jobs, and break if priority queue empty for i in range(0, len(self._available_agents)): if self._waiting_jobs_pq.empty(): break priority, insert_time, client_addr, job_id, job_msg = self._waiting_jobs_pq.get() # Killed job, removing it from the mapping if not job_msg: del self._waiting_jobs[(client_addr, job_id)] continue # Find agents that can run this job possible_agents = list(set(self._containers[job_msg.environment][2]).intersection(set(self._available_agents))) # No agent available, put job back to queue with lower priority if not possible_agents: job = (priority+1, insert_time, client_addr, job_id, job_msg) self._waiting_jobs_pq.put(job) self._logger.warning("No agent for job id %s, putting it back in the queue.", job_id) continue # Agent chosen, removing it from availability list agent_addr = possible_agents[0] self._available_agents.remove(agent_addr) # Remove the job from the queue del self._waiting_jobs[(client_addr, job_id)] # Send the job to agent job_id = (client_addr, job_msg.job_id) self._job_running[job_id] = (agent_addr, job_msg, time.time())"Sending job %s %s to agent %s", client_addr, job_msg.job_id, agent_addr) await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._agent_socket, agent_addr, BackendNewJob(job_id, job_msg.course_id, job_msg.task_id, job_msg.inputdata, job_msg.environment, job_msg.enable_network, job_msg.time_limit, job_msg.hard_time_limit, job_msg.mem_limit, job_msg.debug, job_msg.run_cmd))
[docs] async def handle_agent_hello(self, agent_addr, message: AgentHello): """ Handle an AgentAvailable message. Add agent_addr to the list of available agents """"Agent %s (%s) said hello", agent_addr, message.friendly_name) if agent_addr in self._registered_agents: # Delete previous instance of this agent, if any await self._delete_agent(agent_addr) self._registered_agents[agent_addr] = message.friendly_name self._available_agents.extend([agent_addr for _ in range(0, message.available_job_slots)]) self._ping_count[agent_addr] = 0 # update information about available containers for container_name, container_info in message.available_containers.items(): if container_name in self._containers: # check if the id is the same if self._containers[container_name][0] == container_info["id"]: # ok, just add the agent to the list of agents that have the container self._logger.debug("Registering container %s for agent %s", container_name, str(agent_addr)) self._containers[container_name][2].append(agent_addr) elif self._containers[container_name][1] > container_info["created"]: # containers stored have been created after the new one # add the agent, but emit a warning self._logger.warning("Container %s has multiple version: \n" "\t Currently registered agents have version %s (%i)\n" "\t New agent %s has version %s (%i)", container_name, self._containers[container_name][0], self._containers[container_name][1], str(agent_addr), container_info["id"], container_info["created"]) self._containers[container_name][2].append(agent_addr) else: # self._containers[container_name][1] < container_info["created"]: # containers stored have been created before the new one # add the agent, update the infos, and emit a warning self._logger.warning("Container %s has multiple version: \n" "\t Currently registered agents have version %s (%i)\n" "\t New agent %s has version %s (%i)", container_name, self._containers[container_name][0], self._containers[container_name][1], str(agent_addr), container_info["id"], container_info["created"]) self._containers[container_name] = (container_info["id"], container_info["created"], self._containers[container_name][2] + [agent_addr]) else: # just add it self._logger.debug("Registering container %s for agent %s", container_name, str(agent_addr)) self._containers[container_name] = (container_info["id"], container_info["created"], [agent_addr]) # update the queue await self.update_queue() # update clients await self.send_container_update_to_client(self._registered_clients)
[docs] async def handle_agent_job_started(self, agent_addr, message: AgentJobStarted): """Handle an AgentJobStarted message. Send the data back to the client""" self._logger.debug("Job %s %s started on agent %s", message.job_id[0], message.job_id[1], agent_addr) await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, message.job_id[0], BackendJobStarted(message.job_id[1]))
[docs] async def handle_agent_job_done(self, agent_addr, message: AgentJobDone): """Handle an AgentJobDone message. Send the data back to the client, and start new job if needed""" if agent_addr in self._registered_agents:"Job %s %s finished on agent %s", message.job_id[0], message.job_id[1], agent_addr) # Remove the job from the list of running jobs del self._job_running[message.job_id] # Sent the data back to the client await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, message.job_id[0], BackendJobDone(message.job_id[1], message.result, message.grade, message.problems, message.tests, message.custom, message.state, message.archive, message.stdout, message.stderr)) # The agent is available now self._available_agents.append(agent_addr) else: self._logger.warning("Job result %s %s from non-registered agent %s", message.job_id[0], message.job_id[1], agent_addr) # update the queue await self.update_queue()
[docs] async def handle_agent_job_ssh_debug(self, _, message: AgentJobSSHDebug): """Handle an AgentJobSSHDebug message. Send the data back to the client""" await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, message.job_id[0], BackendJobSSHDebug(message.job_id[1],, message.port, message.password))
[docs] async def run(self):"Backend started") self._agent_socket.bind(self._agent_addr) self._client_socket.bind(self._client_addr) self._loop.call_later(1, self._create_safe_task, self._do_ping()) try: while True: socks = await self._poller.poll() socks = dict(socks) # New message from agent if self._agent_socket in socks: agent_addr, message = await ZMQUtils.recv_with_addr(self._agent_socket) await self.handle_agent_message(agent_addr, message) # New message from client if self._client_socket in socks: client_addr, message = await ZMQUtils.recv_with_addr(self._client_socket) await self.handle_client_message(client_addr, message) except asyncio.CancelledError: return except KeyboardInterrupt: return
async def _handle_pong(self, agent_addr, _ : Pong): """ Handle a pong """ self._ping_count[agent_addr] = 0 async def _do_ping(self): """ Ping the agents """ # the list() call here is needed, as we remove entries from _registered_agents! for agent_addr, friendly_name in list(self._registered_agents.items()): try: ping_count = self._ping_count.get(agent_addr, 0) if ping_count > 5: self._logger.warning("Agent %s (%s) does not respond: removing from list.", agent_addr, friendly_name) delete_agent = True else: self._ping_count[agent_addr] = ping_count + 1 await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._agent_socket, agent_addr, Ping()) delete_agent = False except: # This should not happen, but it's better to check anyway. self._logger.exception("Failed to send ping to agent %s (%s). Removing it from list.", agent_addr, friendly_name) delete_agent = True if delete_agent: try: await self._delete_agent(agent_addr) except: self._logger.exception("Failed to delete agent %s (%s)!", agent_addr, friendly_name) self._loop.call_later(1, self._create_safe_task, self._do_ping()) async def _delete_agent(self, agent_addr): """ Deletes an agent """ self._available_agents = [agent for agent in self._available_agents if agent != agent_addr] del self._registered_agents[agent_addr] await self._recover_jobs(agent_addr) async def _recover_jobs(self, agent_addr): """ Recover the jobs sent to a crashed agent """ for (client_addr, job_id), (agent, job_msg, _) in reversed(list(self._job_running.items())): if agent == agent_addr: await ZMQUtils.send_with_addr(self._client_socket, client_addr, BackendJobDone(job_id, ("crash", "Agent restarted"), 0.0, {}, {}, {}, "", None, None, None)) del self._job_running[(client_addr, job_id)] await self.update_queue() def _create_safe_task(self, coroutine): """ Calls self._loop.create_task with a safe (== with logged exception) coroutine """ task = self._loop.create_task(coroutine) task.add_done_callback(self.__log_safe_task) return task def __log_safe_task(self, task): exception = task.exception() if exception is not None: self._logger.exception("An exception occurred while running a Task", exc_info=exception)