Source code for inginious_container_api.rst

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

import os
import base64

[docs]def get_codeblock(language, text): """ Generates rst codeblock for given text and language """ rst = "\n\n.. code-block:: " + language + "\n\n" for line in text.splitlines(): rst += "\t" + line + "\n" rst += "\n" return rst
[docs]def get_imageblock(filename, format=''): """ Generates rst raw block for given image filename and format""" _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) with open(filename, "rb") as image_file: encoded_string = base64.b64encode('utf-8') return '\n\n.. raw:: html\n\n\t<img src="data:image/' + (format if format else extension[1:]) + ';base64,' + encoded_string +'">\n'
[docs]def get_admonition(cssclass, title, text): """ Generates rst admonition block given a bootstrap alert css class, title, and text""" if cssclass not in ["info", "danger", "warning", "success"]: cssclass = "info" rst = ("\n\n.. admonition:: " + title + "\n") if title else "\n\n.. note:: \n" rst += "\t:class: alert alert-" + cssclass + "\n\n" for line in text.splitlines(): rst += "\t" + line + "\n" rst += "\n" return rst
[docs]def indent_block(amount, text, indent_char='\t'): """ Indent (or de-indent) text""" rst = "" for line in text.splitlines(): if amount > 0: rst += indent_char*amount + line + "\n" else: rst += ''.join([c for i,c in enumerate(line) if (c == indent_char and (i+1) > abs(amount)) or (not c == indent_char)]) + "\n" return rst