# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.
""" Courses """
from inginious.frontend.pages.api._api_page import APIAuthenticatedPage, APINotFound
[docs]class APICourses(APIAuthenticatedPage):
[docs] def API_GET(self, courseid): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
List courses available to the connected client. Returns a dict in the form
"name": "Name of the course", #the name of the course
"require_password": False, #indicates if this course requires a password or not
"is_registered": False, #indicates if the user is registered to this course or not
"tasks": #only appears if is_registered is True
"taskid1": "name of task1",
"taskid2": "name of task2"
"grade": 0.0 #the current grade in the course. Only appears if is_registered is True
If you use the endpoint /api/v0/courses/the_course_id, this dict will contain one entry or the page will return 404 Not Found.
output = []
if courseid is None:
courses = self.taskset_factory.get_all_courses()
courses = {courseid: self.taskset_factory.get_course(courseid)}
raise APINotFound("Course not found")
username = self.user_manager.session_username()
user_info = self.user_manager.get_user_info(username)
for courseid, course in courses.items():
if self.user_manager.course_is_open_to_user(course, username, False) or course.is_registration_possible(user_info):
data = {
"id": courseid,
"name": course.get_name(self.user_manager.session_language()),
"require_password": course.is_password_needed_for_registration(),
"is_registered": self.user_manager.course_is_open_to_user(course, username, False)
if self.user_manager.course_is_open_to_user(course, username, False):
data["tasks"] = {taskid: task.get_name(self.user_manager.session_language()) for taskid, task in course.get_tasks().items()}
data["grade"] = self.user_manager.get_course_cache(username, course)["grade"]
return 200, output