Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

import json
import os
import traceback

from jinja2 import Template

from inginious_container_api.input import get_lang
import inginious_container_api.lang

_feedback_dir = '/.__output' if not inginious_container_api.DEBUG else './'
_feedback_file = os.path.join(_feedback_dir, '__feedback.json')

def _load_feedback():
    """ Open existing feedback file """
    result = {}
    if os.path.exists(_feedback_file):
        f = open(_feedback_file, 'r')
        cont =
        cont = '{}'

        result = json.loads(cont) if cont else {}
    except ValueError as e:
        result = {"result":"crash", "text":"Feedback file has been modified by user !"}
    return result

[docs]def save_feedback(rdict): """ Save feedback file """ # Check for output folder if not os.path.exists(_feedback_dir): os.makedirs(_feedback_dir) jcont = json.dumps(rdict) f = open(_feedback_file, 'w') f.write(jcont) f.close()
# Doing the real stuff
[docs]def set_global_result(result): """ Set global result value """ rdict = _load_feedback() rdict['result'] = result save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def set_problem_result(result, problem_id): """ Set problem specific result value """ rdict = _load_feedback() if not 'problems' in rdict: rdict['problems'] = {} cur_val = rdict['problems'].get(problem_id, '') rdict['problems'][problem_id] = [result, cur_val] if type(cur_val) == str else [result, cur_val[1]] save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def set_grade(grade): """ Set global grade of this job """ rdict = _load_feedback() rdict['grade'] = float(grade) save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def set_global_feedback(feedback, append=False): """ Set global feedback in case of error """ if not isinstance(feedback, str): raise ValueError("Feedback doesn't match correct instance") rdict = _load_feedback() rdict['text'] = rdict.get('text', '') + feedback if append else feedback save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def set_problem_feedback(feedback, problem_id, append=False): """ Set problem specific feedback """ if not isinstance(feedback, str): raise ValueError("Feedback doesn't match correct instance") rdict = _load_feedback() if not 'problems' in rdict: rdict['problems'] = {} cur_val = rdict['problems'].get(problem_id, '') rdict['problems'][problem_id] = (cur_val + feedback if append else feedback) if type(cur_val) == str else [cur_val[0], (cur_val[1] + feedback if append else feedback)] save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def set_state(state): """ Set the task state """ rdict = _load_feedback() rdict['state'] = state save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def set_tag(tag, value): """ Set the tag 'tag' to the value True or False. :param value: should be a boolean :param tag: should be the id of the tag. Can not starts with ``*auto-tag-`` """ if not tag.startswith("*auto-tag-"): rdict = _load_feedback() tests = rdict.setdefault("tests", {}) tests[tag] = (value == True) save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def tag(value): """ Add a tag with generated id. :param value: everything working with the str() function """ rdict = _load_feedback() tests = rdict.setdefault("tests", {}) tests["*auto-tag-" + str(hash(str(value)))] = str(value) save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def set_custom_value(custom_name, custom_val): """ Set a custom value to be given back in the feedback :param custom_name: name/key of the entry to be placed in the custom dict :param custom_val: content of the entry to be placed in the custom dict """ rdict = _load_feedback() if not "custom" in rdict: rdict["custom"] = {} rdict["custom"][custom_name] = custom_val save_feedback(rdict)
[docs]def get_feedback(): """ Returns the dictionary containing the feedback """ rdict = _load_feedback() return rdict
[docs]def set_feedback_from_tpl(tpl_name, parameters, problem_id=None, append=False): """ Parse a template, using the given parameters, and set it as the feedback message. tpl_name must indicate a file. Given that XX_XX is the lang code of the current user ('en_US' or 'fr_FR', for example), this function will search template file in different locations, in the following order: - [current_dir]/tpl_name.XX_XX.tpl - [task_dir]/lang/XX_XX/tpl_name.tpl (this is the preferred way, as it contributes to store all translations in the same folder) - [current_dir]/tpl_name.tpl Note that you can indicate "../otherdir/mytpl" to force the function to search in the "../otherdir" directory. Simply omit the final ".tpl". If no file is found or a parsing exception occured, an error is displayed as feedback message, and False is returned. If everything went well, True is returned. The parsing uses Jinja2. Parameters is a dictionnary that will be given to the Jinja template. """ inginious_container_api.lang.init() lang = get_lang() tpl_location = None possible_locations = [".".join([tpl_name, lang, "tpl"]), os.path.join(inginious_container_api.lang.get_lang_dir_path(), lang, tpl_name) + ".tpl", ".".join([tpl_name, "tpl"])] for path in possible_locations: if os.path.exists(path): tpl_location = path break if tpl_location is None: output = """ .. error:: Unable to find template named %s. Please contact your administrator. """ % tpl_name if problem_id is None: set_global_feedback(output, append) else: set_problem_feedback(output, problem_id, append) return False try: template = Template(open(tpl_location, 'r').read()) parameters.update({"_": _}) output = template.render(parameters) valid = True except Exception: output = """ .. error:: An error occured while parsing the feedback template. Here is the full error: :: """ output += "\n".join(["\t\t"+line for line in traceback.format_exc().split("\n")]) output += "\n\tPlease contact your administrator.\n" valid = False if problem_id is None: set_global_feedback(output, append) else: set_problem_feedback(output, problem_id, append) return valid