# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.
""" Contains ClientBuffer, which creates a buffer for a Client """
import uuid
[docs]class ClientBuffer(object):
""" A buffer for a Client """
def __init__(self, client):
self._client = client
self._waiting_jobs = []
self._jobs_done = {}
[docs] def new_job(self, priority, task, inputdata, launcher_name="Unknown", debug=False):
""" Runs a new job. It works exactly like the Client class, instead that there is no callback """
bjobid = uuid.uuid4()
self._client.new_job(priority, task, inputdata,
(lambda result, grade, problems, tests, custom, archive, stdout, stderr:
self._callback(bjobid, result, grade, problems, tests, custom, archive, stdout, stderr)),
launcher_name, debug)
return bjobid
def _callback(self, bjobid, result, grade, problems, tests, custom, archive, stdout, stderr):
""" Callback for self._client.new_job """
if str(bjobid) in self._waiting_jobs:
self._jobs_done[str(bjobid)] = (result, grade, problems, tests, custom, archive, stdout, stderr)
[docs] def is_waiting(self, bjobid):
""" Return true if the job is in queue """
return str(bjobid) in self._waiting_jobs
[docs] def is_done(self, bjobid):
""" Return true if the job is done """
return str(bjobid) in self._jobs_done
[docs] def get_result(self, bjobid):
Get the result of task. Must only be called ONCE, AFTER the task is done (after a successfull call to is_done).
:return a tuple (result, grade, problems, tests, custom, archive)
result is itself a tuple containing the result string and the main feedback (i.e. ('success', 'You succeeded')
grade is a number between 0 and 100 indicating the grade of the users
problems is a dict of tuple, in the form {'problemid': result}
test is a dict of tests made in the container
custom is a dict containing random things set in the container
archive is either None or a bytes containing a tgz archive of files from the job
result = self._jobs_done[str(bjobid)]
del self._jobs_done[str(bjobid)]
return result