Source code for inginious.frontend.tests.TestPluginManager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

from inginious.frontend.plugin_manager import PluginManager

[docs]class TestPluginManager(object):
[docs] def make_exception(self): raise Exception()
[docs] def test_exception(self): """ Hook Manager should silently ignore hooks that make exceptions""" plugin_manager = PluginManager() plugin_manager.add_hook("test", self.make_exception) plugin_manager.add_hook("test", lambda: 42) retval = plugin_manager.call_hook("test") assert retval == [42]
[docs] def test_multple(self): plugin_manager = PluginManager() plugin_manager.add_hook("test", lambda: 43) plugin_manager.add_hook("test", lambda: 42) plugin_manager.add_hook("test", lambda: 44) retval = plugin_manager.call_hook("test") assert set(retval) == {42, 43, 44}