Source code for inginious.frontend.template_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" TemplateManager """
import os
from functools import lru_cache

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape
import inginious
import json

[docs]class TemplateHelper(object): """ Class accessible from templates that calls function defined in the Python part of the code. """ def __init__(self, plugin_manager, user_manager, use_minified=True): """ Init the Template Helper :param plugin_manager: an instance of a PluginManager :param user_manager: an instance of UserManager. :param default_template_dir: the path to the template dir. If it is not absolute, it will be taken from the root of the inginious package. :param default_layout: the path to the layout. If it is not absolute, it will be taken from the root of the inginious package. :param use_minified: weither to use minified js/css or not. Use True in production, False in dev envs. """ self._base_helpers = {"header_hook": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('header_html', **kwargs)), "main_menu": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('main_menu', **kwargs)), "course_menu": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('course_menu', **kwargs)), "task_menu": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('task_menu', **kwargs)), "welcome_text": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('welcome_text', **kwargs)), "javascript_header": (lambda **_: self._javascript_helper("header")), "javascript_footer": (lambda **_: self._javascript_helper("footer")), "css": (lambda **_: self._css_helper())} self._plugin_manager = plugin_manager self._template_dir = 'frontend/templates' self._user_manager = user_manager # can be None! self._layout_old = 'frontend/templates/layout_old' self._template_globals = {} self._ctx = {"javascript": {"footer": [], "header": []}, "css": []} self.add_to_template_globals("template_helper", self) self.add_to_template_globals("plugin_manager", plugin_manager) self.add_to_template_globals("use_minified", use_minified) self.add_to_template_globals("is_lti", self.is_lti) self.add_to_template_globals("json", self._json_safe_dump)
[docs] def is_lti(self): """ True if the current session is an LTI one """ return self._user_manager is not None and self._user_manager.session_lti_info() is not None
[docs] def add_to_template_globals(self, name, value): """ Add a variable to will be accessible in the templates """ self._template_globals[name] = value
[docs] def render(self, path, template_folder="", **tpl_kwargs): """ Parse the Jinja template named "path" and render it with args ``*tpl_args`` and ``**tpl_kwargs`` :param path: Path of the template, relative to the base folder :param template_folder: add the specified folder to the templates PATH. :param tpl_kwargs: named args sent to the template :return: the rendered template, as a str """ return self._get_jinja_renderer(template_folder).get_template(path).render(**tpl_kwargs)
@lru_cache(None) def _get_jinja_renderer(self, template_folder=""): # Always include the main template folder template_folders = [os.path.join(inginious.get_root_path(), self._template_dir)] # Include the additional template folder if specified if template_folder: template_folders += [os.path.join(inginious.get_root_path(), template_folder)] env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_folders), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'htm', 'xml'])) env.globals.update(self._template_globals) return env
[docs] def call(self, name, **kwargs): helpers = dict(list(self._base_helpers.items()) + self._plugin_manager.call_hook("template_helper")) if helpers.get(name, None) is None: return "" else: return helpers[name](**kwargs)
[docs] def add_javascript(self, link, position="footer"): """ Add a javascript file to load. Position can either be "header" or "footer" """ self._get_ctx()["javascript"][position].append(link)
[docs] def add_css(self, link): """ Add a css file to load """ self._get_ctx()["css"].append(link)
[docs] def add_other(self, name, func): """ Add another callback to the template helper """ self._base_helpers[name] = func
def _javascript_helper(self, position): """ Add javascript links for the current page and for the plugins """ if position not in ["header", "footer"]: position = "footer" # Load javascript files from plugins if position == "header": entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook("javascript_header") if entry is not None] else: entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook("javascript_footer") if entry is not None] # Load javascript for the current page entries += self._get_ctx()["javascript"][position] entries = ["<script src='" + entry + "' type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'></script>" for entry in entries] return "\n".join(entries) def _css_helper(self): """ Add CSS links for the current page and for the plugins """ entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook("css") if entry is not None] # Load javascript for the current page entries += self._get_ctx()["css"] entries = ["<link href='" + entry + "' rel='stylesheet'>" for entry in entries] return "\n".join(entries) def _get_ctx(self): """ Get web.ctx object for the Template helper """ return self._ctx def _generic_hook(self, name, **kwargs): """ A generic hook that links the TemplateHelper with PluginManager """ entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook(name, **kwargs) if entry is not None] return "\n".join(entries) def _json_safe_dump(self, data): """ Make a json dump of `data`, that can be used directly in a `<script>` tag. Available as json() inside templates """ return json.dumps(data).replace(u'<', u'\\u003c') \ .replace(u'>', u'\\u003e') \ .replace(u'&', u'\\u0026') \ .replace(u"'", u'\\u0027')