Source code for inginious.common.messages

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.
from typing import Dict, Type, Tuple, Union, Any, List, Optional

import msgpack
from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass, asdict

BackendJobId = str
ClientJobId = str
SPResult = Tuple[str, str]  # JobId of the backend, composed with the address of the client and the client job id
_registered_messages: Dict[str, Type[Any]] = {}

#                                                               #
#                      Client to Backend                        #
#                                                               #

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ClientHello: """ Let the client say hello to the backend (and thus register to some events) """ name: str # name of the client (do not need to be unique)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ClientNewJob: """ Creates a new job """ job_id: ClientJobId # the client-side job id that is associated to this job priority: int # the job priority course_id: str # course id of the task to run task_id: str # task id of the task to run task_problems: Dict[str, Any] # task dictionary inputdata: Dict[str, Any] # student input data environment_type: str # environment type environment: str # environment to use (must exist in the environment type) environment_parameters: Dict[str, Any] # parameters for the environment (timeouts, limits, ...) debug: Union[str, bool] # True to enable debug, False to disable it, "ssh" to enable ssh debug launcher: str # the name of the entity that launched this job, for logging purposes
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ClientKillJob: """ Kills a running job. """ job_id: ClientJobId # the client-side job id that is associated to the job to kill
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ClientGetQueue: """ Ask the backend to send the status of its job queue """
################################################################# # # # Backend to Client # # # #################################################################
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BackendUpdateEnvironments: """ Update the information about the environments on the client, from the informations retrieved from the agents """ available_environments: Dict[str, List[str]] # dict of available environment aliases (as keys) and type of the related agent (as value)
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BackendJobStarted: """ Indicates to the backend that a job started """ job_id: ClientJobId # the client-side job_id associated to the job
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BackendJobDone: """ Gives the result of a job. """ job_id: ClientJobId # the client-side job id associated with this job result: SPResult # A tuple containing the result type and the text to be shown to the student # Result type can be: # - "killed": the environment was killed externally (not really an error) # - "crash": the environment crashed (INGInious error) # - "overflow": the environment was killed due to a memory overflow (student/task writer error) # - "timeout": the environment was killed due to a timeout (student/task writer error) # - "success": the student succeeded to resolve this task # - "failed": the student failed to succeed this task # - "error": an error happenned in the grading script (task writer error) grade: float problems: Dict[str, SPResult] # particular feedbacks for each subproblem. Keys are subproblem ids. tests: Dict[str, Any] # tests made in the environment custom: Dict[str, Any] # custom values state: str archive: Optional[bytes] # bytes string containing an archive of the content of the environment as a tgz stdout: Optional[str] # environment stdout stderr: Optional[str] # environment stderr
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BackendJobSSHDebug: """ Gives the necessary info to SSH into a job running in ssh debug mode """ job_id: ClientJobId # the client-side job id associated with this job host: str # host to which the client should connect port: int # port on which sshd is bound user: str # user the client should use password: str # password that allows to connect to the environment
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BackendGetQueue: """ Send the status of the job queue to the client. Attributes: - ``jobs_running`` : a list of tuples in the form (job_id, is_current_client_job, info, launcher, started_at, max_tuime) where: - job_id is a job id. It may be from another client. - is_current_client_job is a boolean indicating if the client that asked the request has started the job - agent_name is the agent name - info is "courseid/taskid" - launcher is the name of the launcher, which may be anything - started_at the time (in seconds since UNIX epoch) at which the job started - max_time the maximum time that can be used, or -1 if no timeout is set - ``jobs_waiting`` : a list of tuples in the form (job_id, is_current_client_job, info, launcher, max_time) where: - job_id is a job id. It may be from another client. - is_current_client_job is a boolean indicating if the client that asked the request has started the job - info is "courseid/taskid" - launcher is the name of the launcher, which may be anything - max_time the maximum time that can be used, or -1 if no timeout is set """ jobs_running: List[Tuple[ClientJobId, bool, str, str, str, int, int]] jobs_waiting: List[Tuple[ClientJobId, bool, str, str, int]]
################################################################# # # # Backend to Agent # # # #################################################################
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BackendNewJob: """ Creates a new job """ job_id: BackendJobId # the backend-side job id that is associated to this job course_id: str # course id of the task to run task_id: str # task id of the task to run task_problems: Dict[str, Any] # task dictionary inputdata: Dict[str, Any] # student input data environment_type: str # environment type environment: str # environment to use (must exist within the environment type) environment_parameters: Dict[str, Any] # parameters for the environment (timeouts, limits, ...) debug: Union[str, bool] # debug: True to enable debug, False to disable it, "ssh" to enable ssh debug
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BackendKillJob: """ Kills a running job. """ job_id: BackendJobId # the backend-side job id that is associated to the job to kill
################################################################# # # # Agent to Backend # # # #################################################################
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class AgentHello: """ Let the agent say hello and announce which environments it has available """ friendly_name: str # a string containing a friendly name to identify agent available_job_slots: int # an integer giving the number of concurrent available_environments: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] # dict of available environments:
# { # "type": { # "name": { # for example, "default" # "id": "env img id", # "sha256:715c5cb5575cdb2641956e42af4a53e69edf763ce701006b2c6e0f4f39b68dd3" # "created": 12345678, # create date # "ports": [22, 434], # list of ports needed # } # } # }
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class AgentJobStarted: """ Indicates to the backend that a job started """ job_id: BackendJobId # the backend-side job_id associated to the job
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class AgentJobDone: """ Gives the result of a job. """ job_id: BackendJobId # the backend-side job id associated with this job result: SPResult # a tuple that contains the result itself, either: # - "killed": the environment was killed externally (not really an error) # - "crash": the environment crashed (INGInious error) # - "overflow": the environment was killed due to a memory overflow (student/task writer error) # - "timeout": the environment was killed due to a timeout (student/task writer error) # - "success": the student succeeded to resolve this task # - "failed": the student failed to succeed this task # - "error": an error happenned in the grading script (task writer error) # and the feedback text. grade: float # grade problems: Dict[str, SPResult] # particular feedbacks for each subproblem. Keys are subproblem ids tests: Dict[str, Any] # tests made in the environment custom: Dict[str, Any] # custom values state: str archive: Optional[bytes] # bytes string containing an archive of the content of the environment as a tgz stdout: Optional[str] # environment stdout stderr: Optional[str] # environment stderr
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class AgentJobSSHDebug: """ Gives the necessary info to SSH into a job running in ssh debug mode """ job_id: BackendJobId # the backend-side job id associated with this job host: str # host to which the client should connect port: int # port on which sshd is bound user: str # user the client should use password: str # password that allows to connect to the environment
################################################################# # # # Heartbeat # # # #################################################################
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Ping: """ Ping message """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Pong: """ Pong message """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Unknown: """ Unknown message. Sent by a server that do not know a specific client; probably because the server restarted """
################################################################# # # # Utility functions # # # #################################################################
[docs]def register_message(tcls: Type[Any]): """ Register a new type of message """ _registered_messages[tcls.__name__] = tcls
# Add automatically all the dataclasses in this file, for simplicity for cls in list(globals().values()): if is_dataclass(cls): register_message(cls)
[docs]def load(bmessage: bytes) -> Any: """ From a bytestring given by a (distant) call to dump(), retrieve the original message :param bmessage: bytestring given by a dump() call on a message :return: the original message """ message_dict = msgpack.loads(bmessage, use_list=False, strict_map_key=False) message_type = message_dict["@type"] del message_dict["@type"] try: cls = _registered_messages[message_type] except: raise TypeError("Unknown message type") from None try: obj = cls(**message_dict) except: raise TypeError("Invalid message content") from None return obj
[docs]def dump(msg: Any) -> bytes: """ :return: a bytestring containing a black-box representation of the message, that can be loaded using messages.load. """ d = asdict(msg) d["@type"] = msg.__class__.__name__ return msgpack.dumps(d, use_bin_type=True)
[docs]class ZMQUtils(object): """ Utilities that do serializing/unserializing of messages (whose metaclass is MessageMeta) """
[docs] @classmethod async def recv_with_addr(cls, socket): message = await socket.recv_multipart() addr = message[0] obj = load(message[1]) return addr, obj
[docs] @classmethod async def send_with_addr(cls, socket, addr: bytes, obj): message = [addr, dump(obj)] await socket.send_multipart(message)
[docs] @classmethod async def recv(cls, socket, skip_first=False): message = await socket.recv_multipart() return load(message[0] if not skip_first else message[1])
[docs] @classmethod async def send(cls, socket, obj, send_white=False): message_obj = dump(obj) await socket.send_multipart([message_obj] if not send_white else ["", message_obj])
[docs]def run_tests(): print("----------------- Verify basic instantiation") obj = ClientHello("test") print( assert == "test" print() print("----------------- Dump test") obj2_dump = dump(obj) # pylint: disable=no-member print(obj2_dump) print() print("----------------- Load test") obj3 = load(obj2_dump) print(type(obj3)) assert type(obj3) == ClientHello print( assert == "test" print() print("----------------- Assignation test") ok = True try: obj3.x = "a" ok = False except: pass if not ok: raise Exception("Should never happen") print("---------------- Invalid fields") ok = True try: load(msgpack.dumps({"@type": "ClientHello", "lol": "lol"})) ok = False except: pass if not ok: raise Exception("Should never happen") print("---------------- Invalid type") ok = True try: load(msgpack.dumps({"@type": "ClientHell", "name": "test"})) ok = False except: pass if not ok: raise Exception("Should never happen")