
Start a Docker grading agent. This is typically only used when running the INGInious backend remotely. If you configured INGInious to use a local backend, it is automatically run by inginious-webapp or inginious-lti.

inginious-agent-docker [-h] [--debug-host DEBUG_HOST]
                       [--debug-ports DEBUG_PORTS] [--tmpdir TMPDIR]
                       [--tasks TASKS] [--concurrency CONCURRENCY] [-v]
-h, --help

Display the help message.

--debug-host DEBUG_HOST

The agent hostname for SSH debug. If not specified, the agent autodiscover the public IP address.

--debug-ports DEBUG_PORTS

Range of port for job remote debugging. By default it is 64120-64130

--tmpdir TMPDIR

Path to a directory where the agent can store information, such as caches. Defaults to ./agent_data

--tasks TASKS

The path to the directory containing the courses. Default to ./tasks.

--concurrency CONCURRENCY

Maximal number of jobs that can run concurrently on this agent. By default, it is the two times the number of cores available.

-v, --verbose

Increase output verbosity: logging level to DEBUG.


The backend port, using the following syntax : protocol://host:port. E.g. tcp:// The agent will connect to the backend listening on that port.