Source code for inginious.frontend.template_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" TemplateManager """
import os

import web
import inginious
import json

[docs]class TemplateHelper(object): """ Class accessible from templates that calls function defined in the Python part of the code. """ # _WEB_CTX_KEY is the name of the key in web.ctx that stores entries made available to the whole # current thread. It allows to store javascript/css "addons" that will be displayed later when the # templates are rendered _WEB_CTX_KEY = "inginious_tpl_helper" def __init__(self, plugin_manager, user_manager, default_template_dir, default_layout, default_layout_lti, use_minified=True): """ Init the Template Helper :param plugin_manager: an instance of a PluginManager :param user_manager: an instance of UserManager. Can be None; in this case, LTI layout detection will never be used. :param default_template_dir: the path to the template dir. If it is not absolute, it will be taken from the root of the inginious package. :param default_layout: the path to the layout. If it is not absolute, it will be taken from the root of the inginious package. :param default_layout_lti: same but for the lti layout :param use_minified: weither to use minified js/css or not. Use True in production, False in dev envs. """ self._base_helpers = {"header_hook": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('header_html', **kwargs)), "main_menu": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('main_menu', **kwargs)), "course_menu": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('course_menu', **kwargs)), "task_menu": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('task_menu', **kwargs)), "welcome_text": (lambda **kwargs: self._generic_hook('welcome_text', **kwargs)), "javascript_header": (lambda **_: self._javascript_helper("header")), "javascript_footer": (lambda **_: self._javascript_helper("footer")), "css": (lambda **_: self._css_helper())} self._plugin_manager = plugin_manager self._template_dir = default_template_dir self._user_manager = user_manager # can be None! self._layout = default_layout self._layout_lti = default_layout_lti self._template_globals = {} self._default_renderer = self.get_custom_renderer(default_template_dir) self._default_renderer_lti = self.get_custom_renderer(default_template_dir, layout = self._layout_lti) self._default_renderer_nolayout = self.get_custom_renderer(default_template_dir, layout=False) self.add_to_template_globals("include", self._default_renderer_nolayout) self.add_to_template_globals("template_helper", self) self.add_to_template_globals("plugin_manager", plugin_manager) self.add_to_template_globals("use_minified", use_minified) self.add_to_template_globals("is_lti", self.is_lti) self.add_to_template_globals("json", self._json_safe_dump)
[docs] def is_lti(self): """ True if the current session is an LTI one """ return self._user_manager is not None and self._user_manager.session_lti_info() is not None
[docs] def get_renderer(self, with_layout=True): """ Get the default renderer """ if with_layout and self.is_lti(): return self._default_renderer_lti elif with_layout: return self._default_renderer else: return self._default_renderer_nolayout
[docs] def add_to_template_globals(self, name, value): """ Add a variable to will be accessible in the templates """ self._template_globals[name] = value
[docs] def get_custom_renderer(self, dir_path, layout=True): """ Create a template renderer on templates in the directory specified, and returns it. :param dir_path: the path to the template dir. If it is not absolute, it will be taken from the root of the inginious package. :param layout: can either be True (use the base layout of the running app), False (use no layout at all), or the path to the layout to use. If this path is relative, it is taken from the INGInious package root. """ # if dir_path/base is a absolute path, os.path.join(something, an_absolute_path) returns an_absolute_path. root_path = inginious.get_root_path() if isinstance(layout, str): layout_path = os.path.join(root_path, layout) elif layout is True: layout_path = os.path.join(root_path, self._layout) else: layout_path = None return web.template.render(os.path.join(root_path, dir_path), globals=self._template_globals, base=layout_path)
[docs] def call(self, name, **kwargs): helpers = dict(list(self._base_helpers.items()) + self._plugin_manager.call_hook("template_helper")) if helpers.get(name, None) is None: return "" else: return helpers[name](**kwargs)
[docs] def add_javascript(self, link, position="footer"): """ Add a javascript file to load. Position can either be "header" or "footer" """ self._get_ctx()["javascript"][position].append(link)
[docs] def add_css(self, link): """ Add a css file to load """ self._get_ctx()["css"].append(link)
[docs] def add_other(self, name, func): """ Add another callback to the template helper """ self._base_helpers[name] = func
def _javascript_helper(self, position): """ Add javascript links for the current page and for the plugins """ if position not in ["header", "footer"]: position = "footer" # Load javascript files from plugins if position == "header": entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook("javascript_header") if entry is not None] else: entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook("javascript_footer") if entry is not None] # Load javascript for the current page entries += self._get_ctx()["javascript"][position] entries = ["<script src='" + entry + "' type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'></script>" for entry in entries] return "\n".join(entries) def _css_helper(self): """ Add CSS links for the current page and for the plugins """ entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook("css") if entry is not None] # Load javascript for the current page entries += self._get_ctx()["css"] entries = ["<link href='" + entry + "' rel='stylesheet'>" for entry in entries] return "\n".join(entries) def _get_ctx(self): """ Get web.ctx object for the Template helper """ if self._WEB_CTX_KEY not in web.ctx: web.ctx[self._WEB_CTX_KEY] = { "javascript": {"footer": [], "header": []}, "css": []} return web.ctx.get(self._WEB_CTX_KEY) def _generic_hook(self, name, **kwargs): """ A generic hook that links the TemplateHelper with PluginManager """ entries = [entry for entry in self._plugin_manager.call_hook(name, **kwargs) if entry is not None] return "\n".join(entries) def _json_safe_dump(self, data): """ Make a json dump of `data`, that can be used directly in a `<script>` tag. Available as json() inside templates """ return json.dumps(data).replace(u'<', u'\\u003c') \ .replace(u'>', u'\\u003e') \ .replace(u'&', u'\\u0026') \ .replace(u"'", u'\\u0027')