Source code for inginious.frontend.static_middleware

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" A middleware for that serves static content """
import os
import posixpath
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error

import web

[docs]class StaticApp(web.httpserver.StaticApp, object): """WSGI application for serving static files.""" def __init__(self, base_path, environ, start_response): self.base_path = base_path super(StaticApp, self).__init__(environ, start_response)
[docs] def translate_path(self, path): """Translate a /-separated PATH to the local filename syntax. Components that mean special things to the local file system (e.g. drive or directory names) are ignored. (XXX They should probably be diagnosed.) """ # abandon query parameters path = path.split('?', 1)[0] path = path.split('#', 1)[0] # Don't forget explicit trailing slash when normalizing. Issue17324 trailing_slash = path.rstrip().endswith('/') path = posixpath.normpath(urllib.parse.unquote(path)) words = path.split('/') words = [_f for _f in words if _f] path = self.base_path for word in words: _, word = os.path.splitdrive(word) _, word = os.path.split(word) if word in (os.curdir, os.pardir): continue path = os.path.join(path, word) if trailing_slash: path += '/' return path
[docs]class StaticMiddleware(object): """ WSGI middleware for serving static files. """ def __init__(self, app, paths): = app self.paths = paths def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') path = self.normpath(path) for prefix, root_path in self.paths: if path.startswith(prefix): environ["PATH_INFO"] = web.lstrips(path, prefix) return StaticApp(root_path, environ, start_response) return, start_response)
[docs] def normpath(self, path): """ Normalize the path """ path2 = posixpath.normpath(urllib.parse.unquote(path)) if path.endswith("/"): path2 += "/" return path2