Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" A course class with some modification for users """

import gettext
from collections import OrderedDict

from import Course
from inginious.frontend.accessible_time import AccessibleTime
from natsort import natsorted

[docs]class WebAppCourse(Course): """ A course with some modification for users """ def __init__(self, courseid, content, course_fs, task_factory, hook_manager): super(WebAppCourse, self).__init__(courseid, content, course_fs, task_factory, hook_manager) try: self._name = self._content['name'] except: raise Exception("Course has an invalid description: " + self.get_id()) if self._content.get('nofrontend', False): raise Exception("That course is not allowed to be displayed directly in the webapp") try: self._admins = self._content.get('admins', []) self._tutors = self._content.get('tutors', []) self._accessible = AccessibleTime(self._content.get("accessible", None)) self._registration = AccessibleTime(self._content.get("registration", None)) self._registration_password = self._content.get('registration_password', None) self._registration_ac = self._content.get('registration_ac', None) if self._registration_ac not in [None, "username", "binding", "email"]: raise Exception("Course has an invalid value for registration_ac: " + self.get_id()) self._registration_ac_list = self._content.get('registration_ac_list', []) self._groups_student_choice = self._content.get("groups_student_choice", False) self._use_classrooms = self._content.get('use_classrooms', True) self._allow_unregister = self._content.get('allow_unregister', True) self._allow_preview = self._content.get('allow_preview', False) self._is_lti = self._content.get('is_lti', False) self._lti_keys = self._content.get('lti_keys', {}) self._lti_send_back_grade = self._content.get('lti_send_back_grade', False) except: raise Exception("Course has an invalid description: " + self.get_id()) # Force some parameters if LTI is active if self.is_lti(): self._accessible = AccessibleTime(True) self._registration = AccessibleTime(False) self._registration_password = None self._registration_ac = None self._registration_ac_list = [] self._groups_student_choice = False self._use_classrooms = True self._allow_unregister = True self._allow_preview = False else: self._lti_keys = {} self._lti_send_back_grade = False # Caches for tag lists self._all_tags_cache = None self._all_tags_cache_list = {} self._all_tags_cache_list_admin = {} self._organisational_tags_to_task = {} self.update_all_tags_cache()
[docs] def get_staff(self): """ Returns a list containing the usernames of all the staff users """ return list(set(self.get_tutors() + self.get_admins()))
[docs] def get_admins(self): """ Returns a list containing the usernames of the administrators of this course """ return self._admins
[docs] def get_tutors(self): """ Returns a list containing the usernames of the tutors assigned to this course """ return self._tutors
[docs] def is_open_to_non_staff(self): """ Returns true if the course is accessible by users that are not administrator of this course """ return self.get_accessibility().is_open()
[docs] def is_registration_possible(self, user_info): """ Returns true if users can register for this course """ return self.get_accessibility().is_open() and self._registration.is_open() and self.is_user_accepted_by_access_control(user_info)
[docs] def is_password_needed_for_registration(self): """ Returns true if a password is needed for registration """ return self._registration_password is not None
[docs] def get_registration_password(self): """ Returns the password needed for registration (None if there is no password) """ return self._registration_password
[docs] def get_accessibility(self, plugin_override=True): """ Return the AccessibleTime object associated with the accessibility of this course """ vals = self._hook_manager.call_hook('course_accessibility', course=self, default=self._accessible) return vals[0] if len(vals) and plugin_override else self._accessible
[docs] def get_registration_accessibility(self): """ Return the AccessibleTime object associated with the registration """ return self._registration
[docs] def get_tasks(self): return OrderedDict(sorted(list(Course.get_tasks(self).items()), key=lambda t: (t[1].get_order(), t[1].get_id())))
[docs] def get_access_control_method(self): """ Returns either None, "username", "binding", or "email", depending on the method used to verify that users can register to the course """ return self._registration_ac
[docs] def get_access_control_list(self): """ Returns the list of all users allowed by the AC list """ return self._registration_ac_list
[docs] def can_students_choose_group(self): """ Returns True if the students can choose their groups """ return self._groups_student_choice
[docs] def use_classrooms(self): """ Returns True if classrooms are used """ return self._use_classrooms
[docs] def is_lti(self): """ True if the current course is in LTI mode """ return self._is_lti
[docs] def lti_keys(self): """ {name: key} for the LTI customers """ return self._lti_keys if self._is_lti else {}
[docs] def lti_send_back_grade(self): """ True if the current course should send back grade to the LTI Tool Consumer """ return self._is_lti and self._lti_send_back_grade
[docs] def is_user_accepted_by_access_control(self, user_info): """ Returns True if the user is allowed by the ACL """ if self.get_access_control_method() is None: return True elif not user_info: return False elif self.get_access_control_method() == "username": return user_info["username"] in self.get_access_control_list() elif self.get_access_control_method() == "email": return user_info["email"] in self.get_access_control_list() elif self.get_access_control_method() == "binding": return set(user_info["bindings"].keys()).intersection(set(self.get_access_control_list())) return False
[docs] def allow_preview(self): return self._allow_preview
[docs] def allow_unregister(self, plugin_override=True): """ Returns True if students can unregister from course """ vals = self._hook_manager.call_hook('course_allow_unregister', course=self, default=self._allow_unregister) return vals[0] if len(vals) and plugin_override else self._allow_unregister
[docs] def get_name(self, language): """ Return the name of this course """ return self.gettext(language, self._name) if self._name else ""
[docs] def get_all_tags(self): """ Return a tuple of lists ([common_tags], [anti_tags], [organisational_tags]) all tags of all tasks of this course Since this is an heavy procedure, we use a cache to cache results. Cache should be updated when a task is modified. """ if self._all_tags_cache != None: return self._all_tags_cache tag_list_common = set() tag_list_misconception = set() tag_list_org = set() tasks = self.get_tasks() for id, task in tasks.items(): for tag in task.get_tags()[0]: tag_list_common.add(tag) for tag in task.get_tags()[1]: tag_list_misconception.add(tag) for tag in task.get_tags()[2]: tag_list_org.add(tag) tag_list_common = natsorted(tag_list_common, key=lambda y: y.get_name().lower()) tag_list_misconception = natsorted(tag_list_misconception, key=lambda y: y.get_name().lower()) tag_list_org = natsorted(tag_list_org, key=lambda y: y.get_name().lower()) self._all_tags_cache = (list(tag_list_common), list(tag_list_misconception), list(tag_list_org)) return self._all_tags_cache
[docs] def get_all_tags_names_as_list(self, admin=False, language="en"): """ Computes and cache two list containing all tags name sorted by natural order on name """ if admin: if self._all_tags_cache_list_admin != {} and language in self._all_tags_cache_list_admin: return self._all_tags_cache_list_admin[language] #Cache hit else: if self._all_tags_cache_list != {} and language in self._all_tags_cache_list: return self._all_tags_cache_list[language] #Cache hit #Cache miss, computes everything s_stud = set() s_admin = set() (common, _, org) = self.get_all_tags() for tag in common + org: # Is tag_name_with_translation correct by doing that like that ? tag_name_with_translation = self.gettext(language, tag.get_name()) if tag.get_name() else "" s_admin.add(tag_name_with_translation) if tag.is_visible_for_student(): s_stud.add(tag_name_with_translation) self._all_tags_cache_list_admin[language] = natsorted(s_admin, key=lambda y: y.lower()) self._all_tags_cache_list[language] = natsorted(s_stud, key=lambda y: y.lower()) if admin: return self._all_tags_cache_list_admin[language] return self._all_tags_cache_list[language]
[docs] def get_organisational_tags_to_task(self): """ This build a dict for fast retrive tasks id based on organisational tags. The form of the dict is: { 'org_tag_1': ['task_id', 'task_id', ...], 'org_tag_2' : ['task_id', 'task_id', ...], ... } """ if self._organisational_tags_to_task != {}: return self._organisational_tags_to_task for taskid, task in self.get_tasks().items(): for tag in task.get_tags()[2]: self._organisational_tags_to_task.setdefault(tag.get_name(), []).append(taskid) return self._organisational_tags_to_task
[docs] def update_all_tags_cache(self): """ Force the cache refreshing """ self._all_tags_cache = None self._all_tags_cache_list = {} self._all_tags_cache_list_admin = {} self._organisational_tags_to_task = {} self.get_all_tags() self.get_all_tags_names_as_list() self.get_organisational_tags_to_task()