Source code for inginious.common.tests.TestTask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

import os

import inginious.common.base
import inginious.common.tasks
from inginious.common.filesystems.local import LocalFSProvider
from inginious.common.course_factory import create_factories
from inginious.common.exceptions import InvalidNameException, TaskUnreadableException
from inginious.common.hook_manager import HookManager
from inginious.common.tasks_problems import *

problem_types = {"code": CodeProblem, "code_single_line": CodeSingleLineProblem, "file": FileProblem,
                         "multiple_choice": MultipleChoiceProblem, "match": MatchProblem}

[docs]class test_tasks_basic(object):
[docs] def setUp(self): fs = LocalFSProvider(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tasks')) self.course_factory, _ = create_factories(fs, problem_types)
[docs] def test_task_loading(self): '''Tests if a course file loads correctly''' print("\033[1m-> common-tasks: task loading\033[0m") t = self.course_factory.get_task('test', 'task1') assert t.get_environment() == 'default' assert t.get_id() == 'task1' assert t.get_course_id() == 'test' assert t.get_response_type() == 'rst' lim = t.get_limits() assert lim['disk'] == 100 assert lim['memory'] == 32 assert lim['time'] == 60 assert t.get_problems()[0].get_type() == 'multiple_choice'
[docs] def test_task_invalid_name(self): try: self.course_factory.get_task('test', 'invalid/name') except InvalidNameException: return assert False
[docs] def test_task_invalid(self): try: self.course_factory.get_task('test3', 'invalid_task') except TaskUnreadableException: return assert False
[docs] def test_invalid_limits_1(self): try: t = inginious.common.tasks.Task(self.course_factory.get_course('test3'), 'invalid_task', {"environment": "default", "limits": {"time": "a string!"}}, 'fake_path', HookManager(), problem_types) a = t.get_limits() print(a) except Exception as e: assert str(e) == "Invalid limit" return assert False
[docs] def test_invalid_limits_2(self): try: inginious.common.tasks.Task(self.course_factory.get_course('test3'), 'invalid_task', {"environment": "default", "limits": {"time": -1}}, 'fake_path', HookManager(), problem_types) except Exception as e: assert str(e) == "Invalid limit" return assert False
[docs] def test_no_problems(self): try: inginious.common.tasks.Task(self.course_factory.get_course('test3'), 'invalid_task', {"environment": "default"}, 'fake_path', HookManager(), problem_types) except Exception as e: assert str(e) == "Tasks must have some problems descriptions" return assert False
[docs] def test_course(self): # yeah, trivial. But we want 100% code coverage ;-) c = self.course_factory.get_course("test") t = c.get_task("task1") assert t.get_course() == c assert t.get_course_id() == "test"
[docs] def test_input_consistent_valid(self): c = self.course_factory.get_course("test") t = c.get_task("task3") assert t.input_is_consistent({"unittest": "10"}, [], 0) is True
[docs] def test_input_consistent_invalid(self): c = self.course_factory.get_course("test") t = c.get_task("task3") assert t.input_is_consistent({"unittest": 10}, [], 0) is False
[docs] def test_check_answer_1(self): c = self.course_factory.get_course("test") t = c.get_task("task1") valid, need_launch, main_message, problem_messages, error_count, multiple_choice_error_count = t.check_answer({"unittest": ["0", "1"]}, "") assert valid is True assert need_launch is False assert error_count == 0 assert multiple_choice_error_count == 0
[docs] def test_check_answer_2(self): c = self.course_factory.get_course("test") t = c.get_task("task1") valid, need_launch, main_message, problem_messages, error_count, multiple_choice_error_count = t.check_answer({"unittest": ["0"]}, "") assert valid is False assert need_launch is False assert error_count == 1 assert multiple_choice_error_count == 1
[docs]class test_tasks_problems(object):
[docs] def setUp(self): fs = LocalFSProvider(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tasks')) self.course_factory, _ = create_factories(fs, problem_types)
[docs] def test_problem_types(self): '''Tests if problem types are correctly recognized''' print("\033[1m-> common-tasks: problem types parsing\033[0m") t = self.course_factory.get_task('test2', 'task1') assert t.get_problems()[0].get_type() == 'match' t = self.course_factory.get_task('test2', 'task2') assert t.get_problems()[0].get_type() == 'match' t = self.course_factory.get_task('test2', 'task3') assert t.get_problems()[0].get_type() == 'multiple_choice'
[docs] def test_multiple_choice(self): '''Tests multiple choice problems methods''' print("\033[1m-> common-tasks: multiple_choice parsing\033[0m") p = self.course_factory.get_task('test2', 'task3').get_problems()[0] assert p.allow_multiple() # Check correct and incorrect answer assert p.check_answer({'unittest': [0, 1]}, "")[0] assert not p.check_answer({'unittest': [0, 1, 2]}, "")[0] # Check random form input assert p.input_is_consistent({'unittest': [0, 1]}, [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent('test', [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent((10, 42), [], 0)
[docs] def test_match(self): '''Tests match problems methods''' print("\033[1m-> common-tasks: match-problem loading\033[0m") p = self.course_factory.get_task('test2', 'task1').get_problems()[0] # Check correct and incorrect answer assert p.check_answer({'unittest': 'Answer 1'}, "")[0] assert not p.check_answer({'unittest': 'Wrong answer'}, "")[0] # Check random form input assert p.input_is_consistent({'unittest': 'Answer'}, [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent('test', [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent((10, 42), [], 0)
[docs] def test_code(self): '''Tests code problems methods''' print("\033[1m-> common-tasks: code problem parsing\033[0m") p = self.course_factory.get_task('test', 'task3').get_problems()[0] # Check random form input assert p.input_is_consistent({'unittest': '10'}, [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent({'unittest/decimal': '10'}, [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent('test', [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent("ddd", [], 0) assert not p.input_is_consistent(42, [], 0)
[docs] def test_file(self): '''Tests file problems methods''' print("\033[1m-> common-tasks: file problem type\033[0m") p = self.course_factory.get_task('test2', 'task4').get_problems()[0] assert p.get_type() == 'file' # Check random form input assert p.input_is_consistent({"unittest": {"filename": "test.txt", "value": "test"}}, [".txt"], 100) assert not p.input_is_consistent({"unittest": {"filename": "test.txt", "value": "test"}}, [".nottxt"], 100) assert not p.input_is_consistent({"unittest": {"filename": "test.txt", "value": "test"}}, [".txt"], 1) assert not p.input_is_consistent({"unittest": {"filename": "test.txt", "content": "test"}}, [".txt"], 100) assert not p.input_is_consistent({"unittest": "text"}, [".txt"], 100)