Source code for inginious.common.tests.TestCourse

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

import os
import tempfile
import shutil

from inginious.common.filesystems.local import LocalFSProvider
from inginious.common.course_factory import create_factories
from inginious.common.tasks_problems import *

problem_types = {"code": CodeProblem, "code_single_line": CodeSingleLineProblem, "file": FileProblem,
                 "multiple_choice": MultipleChoiceProblem, "match": MatchProblem}

[docs]class TestCourse(object):
[docs] def setUp(self): fs = LocalFSProvider(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tasks')) self.course_factory, _ = create_factories(fs, problem_types)
[docs] def test_course_loading(self): '''Tests if a course file loads correctly''' print("\033[1m-> common-courses: course loading\033[0m") c = self.course_factory.get_course('test') assert c.get_id() == 'test' assert c._content['accessible'] == True assert c._content['admins'] == ['testadmin1', 'testadmin2'] assert c._content['name'] == 'Unit test 1' c = self.course_factory.get_course('test2') assert c.get_id() == 'test2' assert c._content['accessible'] == '1970-01-01/2033-01-01' assert c._content['admins'] == ['testadmin1'] assert c._content['name'] == 'Unit test 2' # This one is in JSON c = self.course_factory.get_course('test3') assert c.get_id() == 'test3' assert c._content['accessible'] == '1970-01-01/1970-12-31' assert c._content['admins'] == ['testadmin1', 'testadmin2'] assert c._content['name'] == 'Unit test 3'
[docs] def test_invalid_coursename(self): try: self.course_factory.get_course('invalid/name') except: return assert False
[docs] def test_unreadable_course(self): try: self.course_factory.get_course('invalid_course') except: return assert False
[docs] def test_all_courses_loading(self): '''Tests if all courses are loaded by Course.get_all_courses()''' print("\033[1m-> common-courses: all courses loading\033[0m") c = self.course_factory.get_all_courses() assert 'test' in c assert 'test2' in c assert 'test3' in c
[docs] def test_tasks_loading(self): '''Tests loading tasks from the get_tasks method''' print("\033[1m-> common-courses: course tasks loading\033[0m") c = self.course_factory.get_course('test') t = c.get_tasks() assert 'task1' in t assert 'task2' in t assert 'task3' in t assert 'task4' in t
[docs] def test_tasks_loading_invalid(self): c = self.course_factory.get_course('test3') t = c.get_tasks() assert t == {}
[docs]class TestCourseWrite(object): """ Test the course update function """
[docs] def setUp(self): self.dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() fs = LocalFSProvider(self.dir_path) self.course_factory, _ = create_factories(fs, problem_types)
[docs] def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.dir_path)
[docs] def test_course_update(self): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.dir_path, "test")) with open(os.path.join(self.dir_path, "test", "course.yaml"), "w") as f: f.write(""" name: "a" admins: ["a"] accessible: "1970-01-01/2033-01-01" """) assert self.course_factory.get_course_descriptor_content("test") == {"name": "a", "admins": ["a"], "accessible": "1970-01-01/2033-01-01"} self.course_factory.update_course_descriptor_content("test", {"name": "b", "admins": ["b"], "accessible": "1970-01-01/2030-01-01"}) assert self.course_factory.get_course_descriptor_content("test") == {"name": "b", "admins": ["b"], "accessible": "1970-01-01/2030-01-01"}