Source code for inginious.agent.mcq_agent

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.
import asyncio
import logging
import gettext

from inginious.agent import Agent, CannotCreateJobException
from inginious import get_root_path
from inginious.common.course_factory import create_factories
from inginious.common.messages import BackendNewJob, BackendKillJob
from inginious.common.tasks_problems import MultipleChoiceProblem, MatchProblem

[docs]class MCQAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, context, backend_addr, friendly_name, concurrency, tasks_filesystem): """ :param context: ZeroMQ context for this process :param backend_addr: address of the backend (for example, "tcp://") :param friendly_name: a string containing a friendly name to identify agent :param tasks_filesystem: FileSystemProvider to the course/tasks """ super().__init__(context, backend_addr, friendly_name, concurrency, tasks_filesystem) self._logger = logging.getLogger("inginious.agent.mcq") # Create a course factory problem_types = {problem_type.get_type(): problem_type for problem_type in [MultipleChoiceProblem, MatchProblem]} course_factory, _ = create_factories(tasks_filesystem, problem_types) self.course_factory = course_factory # Init gettext languages = ["en", "fr"] self._translations = { lang: gettext.translation('messages', get_root_path() + '/agent/mcq_agent/i18n', [lang]) for lang in languages } @property def environments(self): return {"mcq": {"id": "mcq", "created": 0}}
[docs] async def new_job(self, msg: BackendNewJob): try:"Received request for jobid %s", msg.job_id) task = self.course_factory.get_task(msg.course_id, msg.task_id) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: self._logger.error("Task %s/%s not available on this agent", msg.course_id, msg.task_id) raise CannotCreateJobException("Task is not available on this agent") language = msg.inputdata.get("@lang", "") translation = self._translations.get(language, gettext.NullTranslations()) _ = translation.gettext result, need_emul, text, problems, error_count, mcq_error_count = task.check_answer(msg.inputdata, language) internal_messages = { "_wrong_answer_multiple": _("Wrong answer. Make sure to select all the valid possibilities"), "_wrong_answer": _("Wrong answer"), "_correct_answer": _("Correct answer"), } for key, (p_result, messages) in problems.items(): messages = [internal_messages[message] if message in internal_messages else message for message in messages] problems[key] = (p_result, "\n\n".join(messages)) if need_emul: self._logger.warning("Task %s/%s is not a pure MCQ but has env=MCQ", msg.course_id, msg.task_id) raise CannotCreateJobException("Task wrongly configured as a MCQ") if error_count != 0: text.append(_("You have {} wrong answer(s).").format(error_count)) if mcq_error_count != 0: text.append("\n\n" + _("Among them, you have {} invalid answers in the multiple choice questions").format(mcq_error_count)) nb_subproblems = len(task.get_problems()) grade = 100.0 * float(nb_subproblems - error_count) / float(nb_subproblems) await self.send_job_result(msg.job_id, ("success" if result else "failed"), "\n".join(text), grade, problems, {}, {}, None)
[docs] async def kill_job(self, message: BackendKillJob): pass